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"So, what do you need?" Right now I'm talking with the cool and collected Tam Lin Lancelot, Also known as Melusine. Normally we never talk, so I'm surprised she approached me out of nowhere.

Maybe she wants to give me some advice? I heard that she too had suffered the pain of being a main farming Servant.

She clears her throat. "I am here to discuss something very important, something which really shouldn't be... shouldn't be discussed in public." She's making a really serious face, so this must be important.

I hope I haven't angered her queen or something. Miss Morgan is pretty nice, but I heard she used to be super cold and callous. Ah, maybe I should go ask Scáthach for some runic magic protections.

I nod to the dragon. "Sure. Lead the way..."

Melusine smiles. "Much obliged." And I start walking with her, hoping that I don't have some vengeful fairy after me.

To be honest I don't even know how fairies see Campione in the first place. I know that they, much like gods, are children of Gaia, and that for some reason they really like humans. We Campione are sort of like half-siblings then, I guess.

The place Melusine leads me towards is...! Her room. And now she looks super angry. Hah? "So, where were you during valentines...? You didn't come give me chocolates, or you know, spend time with me at all..."

Yeah, obviously. "Guys don't actually give chocolates during valentines, it's the girls who give them. Then when it's White Day the guys will give something back." At least that's the Japanese tradition. We follow it because of Master, of course.

She puts her hands on her hips. "Then why did I gain so many chocolates huh?" Melusine shakes her head. "You know what, nevermind that. What I want to know is why you didn't come to see me. I was... I was waiting for you."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why would I come see you in the first place? We barely ever talk... Besides, I was busy with my lovers." I had to receive chocolates from six people! Which was pretty awesome.

She sighs. "Well... So you're not interested in me or anything?" She makes a cute face, with her tongue out. "Don't I activate your primal mating instincts or something?" Well...

Melusine is very cute, she's not the type of woman I would have been against fucking or anything, but this is all sort of coming from nowhere. I would like to know why Melusine is so interested in my primal mating instincts.

I shrug. "You're pretty hot and all, but it I went to see every hot girl on Chaldea during Valentines... I would die of old age before I was finishes." And let's not even talk about how it would be an impossible task.

The fairy frowns. "I see... Well, I guess waiting around is not doing me any favors, specially when you already have lovers." So this girl is definitely interested on me... "So now I must take action!"

"You see... when I saw you, I also saw our fate..." That's a thing you can do!? "And we are destined to be with each other, so we will bang, okay?" She sends me a peace sign with one of her hands.

Well... "Nah." Her face immediately falls. Maybe I should have been a bit nicer about rejecting her. "I mean, how can we being together be fate? You're like... from fairly land, and I'm from a normal version of Earth." It sounds like she's scamming me.

Love scamming me! And while I may be dumb, I'm smart enough to never trust those greedy Nigerian princes! So yes, I'll refuse to have sex and live a happy life with this girl no matter what!

Melusine waves me off. "I dunno. It's just fate I guess!" She hugs me. "You smell good by the way..." It came so suddenly that I don't even protect myself. "I wouldn't mind smelling this body when it's all sweaty either..."

I'm quite obviously flabbergasted. "Where is this all coming from? You're always pretty cold to me." Maybe cold isn't the right word, but from the few times I have spoken with this woman, she had shown no affection.

She giggles. "That was in public silly... but it's not like I need to hide liking you when we are in private!" That's... fair enough? "Okay, so let's do that thing all lovers do! I'm talking about fucking, of course." That's...

I push her back. "Sorry, but we can't be together." I'll have to pass on dragon pussy.

She blinks in confusion. "Eh? Why?" And then she has a sudden realization. "Oh, if it's about your harem, I don't care. As long as you make time for me, I don't mind you having other lovers." That is a pretty awesome attitude to have.

However... "It's not about harem. It's about us together being fate.... I'm a Campione after all! Resisting fate is my middle name! So I'll never, ever love you!" I have my pride as a Demon King!

Her eyes become hollow... and red lightning races across her body. "I'm destroying Chaldea." Huh? "This place has already made Master overworked, and now it's toying with my feelings, so I'll destroy it." How very Campione of you!

And it's pretty scary, because she could totally do it. "Erm... Please don't...?" Melusine is incredibly strong after all, mostly because Master filled her with tons of grails. She could beat even me... Mostly because being a Servant considerably lowered my strength.

Slowly her eyes return to normal. "Fine, I had an idea after all... I'll get you the classic way dragons used to get their mates." She smiles. "Let's spar Yato! You like fighting right?" Huh, something doesn't seem right about this...

"Sure! I do love fighting indeed."


"Wow, cock does feel pretty good~!" Right now I'm being subjected to the worst fate imaginable, a cute, sexy fairy dragon girl is riding. "I get why all the dragons went for this forceful route, it's great~!" And she has a lewd smile on too...

I look away. "Whatever you say..." I ended up losing the fight, as expected. For some reason though, instead of just going away, Melusine pushed me down and started having her way with me.

She speeds up. "Oh~... Don't be like that Yato! This is... um~... a happy thing~!" I fail to see how feeling your butt hitting against me over and over again is good. I basically have been turned into a concubine!

Well, that in itself isn't the worst, being a concubine can be pretty fun, but... "I'm gonna be the joke among the Campione." I lost to fate. Destiny said I would get together with Melusine, and now her pussy is milking my cock.

This is the worst!

She pouts. "If... um~... you get bullied just call me! I'll protect you, since I'm the strongest~!" I could definitely beat you, if I was at full power. "Now make sure to spray tons of cum in my pussy~! You gotta mark your territory and all!" Are you an wild animal!?

She lowers her body down, since she's so small she actually doesn't reach my face. So instead she starts kissing my chest. "And I gotta mark my territory too~..." Well, I suppose it's your right to do so, as the victor and all.

I sigh. "Fine, mark it away. I guess I'm your concubine now, after all..." I might as well enjoy this, which is why I welcome the sensation of her lips touching me again and again.

She pulls back and giggles. "You're not... not my concubine, kay~?" She sends me a peace sign. "You're my lover~!" Ah, I gained a sudden promotion!? Could it be that I was that awesome of a concubine!?

I smile. "Got it, but I'm still not just happy with following fate. You said I was destined to be with you, right? I won't just let things go like that." She frowns, it almost looks funny considering she never stops moving her hips.

But I'm not done yet. "I'm making you the happiest woman ever, far more happy than fate could have predicted. So if you ever feel sad, angry, or whatever else... come to me, I'll fix whatever is wrong..."

"And if you don't want that to be fixed, if you just want to be sad, then that's fine too. I'll gladly listen to you, I'll gladly devote myself to you. I'll break fate that way!" Weird.

Her pussy suddenly tightened by a lot. "Yato~!" She's cumming, and that makes me cum too, my mind goes white for a moment. "Ah~...! Beating a guy up and riding him is the best~!" What's that supposed to mean!?

It doesn't matter, she's never winning again!

I lost another fight to her the next day.


"Um... are you okay?" I, Yato Shibata am in the possession of a particular trait that most people have. The trait of trying to protect young girls, or boys, when they look sad. It's just natural human instinct really.

Which is why I immediately came to Abigail Williams side once I saw her almost crying over an empty plate. Right now I could probably destroy the world if she asked, even though we barely talk.

Her lips are trembling. "Master got mad at me, and said as punishment I couldn't eat pancakes anymore... And all the cooks agreed, so they aren't making it any for me anymore." That's...

I don't know what happened, but I could make some for her. Alternatively I could ask someone like Jeanne to make them, since she's training for our future children. It goes without saying, but we can't have children.

She continues. "So I'm staring at this empty plate with the hopes of manifesting pancakes from thin air..." That's way too sad!

I sit in front of her. "So what did you do to get Master so mad? I can have a talk with her if it was just a misunderstanding or something." This is a pretty weird situation, because from what I understand, Master usually dotes on the Foreigner a lot.

Abigail pouts. "I was a naughty girl... I ate so many pancakes filled with sugar that I passed out and had to see the doctor." How though!? You're a Servant...! Even Nightingale might decide to stop being my personal nurse, just so she can study you.

But this doesn't seem that bad. "Well, Master is just taking care of your health... I know you may not understand this, since you're young, but you have to healthily and stuff." Besides, vegetables are pretty awesome.

Her pouts gets even more pronounced. "I'm not a kid, so don't treat me like one." Really? Normally I would say that she's just acting like a prideful brat or something, but this is Chaldea, so she may genuinely be an adult.

I raise an eyebrow. "Really? How old are you?" Well, she could be an adult, she doesn't even look much smaller than Nero... Actually she might just be a bit taller if I'm being honest here.

Abigail looks away. "I... I don't wanna say it!" That... must mean she's super old! A hag even! Women start denying their real age once they reach their thirties after all...! Actually, most guys do that too.

I nod. "Got it, I'll treat you like the adult you are." She smiles, now satisfied. "So Abby, do you usually get in trouble like this?" I don't really know what else to discuss, but I also don't want to just watch her stare at an empty plate.

She blushes. "A-Abby...?" I figured I should call her by a nickname. "And... well, I do get in a lot of trouble, because I'm a naughty girl with naughty urges... So typically Master scolds me."

I tilt my head. "What kind of urges do you have?" Does she like murdering people or something? That isn't exactly unusual on Chaldea...

She blushes even harder. "They... they are of the naughty variety, okay!?" Oh, is she talking about sex!? Why would Master care if Abby wants to sleep around? She's a grown ass woman.

That's pretty weird. "I see. Well, I won't snitch if I catch you trying to indure those urges. Do remember however, that the key is moderation!" The limit is Medb levels, go any hornier and you will regret it.

She bites her lip. "I don't know if you can moderate toying with the minds of people..." What does that have to do with sex? "I mean, you would hate if I toyed with you, right Mister Yato?" Um...

I shake my head. "Not really, but you are right that you should be asking for consent." Her eyes widen. "So, if you wanna have sex, feel free to come to my room anytime!" She's as petite as Melusine, so that could be fun


I nod. "Yeah! That's what your urges are about right...? Well, I don't mind giving you a good fucking." Though it's not like finding male partners in Chaldea is hard. Fergus is around after all.

She covers her face. "A-ah!?" What's that all about. "Mister Yato... are you coming onto me!? You wanna make me your wife and do... do lewd stuff!?" I wasn't actually thinking about the wife part.

I chuckle. "It's just an offer, but yeah, I wouldn't mind messing you up. You're a total cutie after all!" Ah, this brings back memories of Illya...

Abby suddenly gets up from her seat. "I'm not ready! I'm not ready! I'm not ready!" She runs off. "But please come and meet me again...!"

I don't think you're supposed to say that while running away.


"So, ready Abby?" I'm finally about to satiate those urges of her, you see, I'm about to take her doggy style. My hands are grasping on her small butt, and my dick is lined up to her entrance, all I need is her confirmation.

I can't exactly see her face, but from the sounds she's making, I think she's panicking. "I'm about to have sex! A penis is going inside of me! Ah...!" Wow, she must have been really desperate. I didn't know Master was such a puritan.

I start teasing her entrance with my dick, she's completely wet already. "Yeah, and don't worry, I won't tell Master. So, do you wanna keep this casual?" I think that's how Medb handles her flings.

She immediately objects. "When a man has sex with a woman, they should marry each other!" Eh? That is a surprising opinion for a woman who presumably had sex before... She's talking like a virgin.

This is confusing. "Um? Are you married to tons of guys or something?" I guess I don't care. I won't share my woman with anyone though, so I won't marry Abby. This will stay as a fling.

She shakes her head. "N-no! I'm a pure girl! A pure naughty girl!" What's that supposed to mean? "S-so please marry me after you take my totally not virgin p-pussy, Mister Yato!" What kind of woman calls her husband Mister?

I nod. "Okay then, I'll marry you Abby." She's a bit of a weirdo, but it's not like that has ever stopped me before.

Tears descend from her face. "I'm... actually getting married... Someone loves me...!" How cute. Anyways, I finally enter her. "O-o-ow...! Ow! It hurts...!" And I think she might be the tightest girl I ever had.

And she might also be the first girl where I fucked up super badly. "S-sorry...!" She's bleeding after all, and since she's definitely not a virgin... Man, what the hell did I do wrong?

To my surprise, she doesn't hesitate to move. "It's alright Mister Yato~! It's all alright now~! Just get lost one me~!" Why is she sounding a bit strange...? Well, if she's fine with overlooking my mistake...

Then I'm fine with thrusting my dick into her pussy. "Got it Abby!" She really is freaky in bed if she doesn't mind bleeding. She might be even more perverted than Medb!

She giggles between moans. "You're such a perv, Mister Yato~..." You're the perv here. "Are you enjoying it? My soft body... my tight pussy... are you enjoying it all~? Do you want to fill my womb with your seed~? Perv~!"

"Mister Yato is a complete Perv~! Help me Mister Servants, a perv is harassing me~!" You started this though! "Ugh~... Naughty stuff feels way too good~... You agree, right Mister Yato~?" Of course.

I grab her tits from behind, though sge barely has a pair at all. "Yeah, it feels pretty good to fuck you Abby!" I hope she's feeling good too of course, but I doubt it, considering the mistakes I made. "And you're totally right about all of those comments about your body! You're super sexy!" I gotta compliment the girl I'm having sex with!

She giggles again. "That's good to know~!" And then suddenly her voice comes back to a normal tone. "A-ahhh~! M-Mister Yato... since I'm giving you my everything, you won't leave me right?" Wow, where did this come from!?

Don't tell me Abby is the the type who shows her clingy side during sex? "Since I'm letting you take me from behind... o-oh~...! And since I'll kiss you whenever you want~... You won't leave me right, Mister Yato~? You will scold me, and get angry, but never leave, right?"

I nod. "Yeah, I won't go for the divorce option out of nowhere, don't worry. Stop calling me Mister Yato though. Calling your husband that is super, duper weird... I mean, I call you Abby right? Not Miss Abigail."

She sputters. "Calling you anything else would be embarrassing~!" Then I'll have to pound the embarrassment out of her. "M-Mister Yato, my body is feeling really hot~!" She's about to cum, I can feel it.

These will be the final thrusts. "My dick is making your cum Abby, so don't be worried. And you're making me cum too!" I'm just glad she actually enjoys this.

So once I smile proudly once she falls like a puppet with it's strings cut, cum leaking out of her. "Ah... there's seed inside of my body..." She takes a deep breath. "If Master finds out..." I did say I wouldn't snitch.

Abby stays silent for a moment, but then... "H-hey Mister Yato... my h-husband... would it be fine if I was still feeling naughty?" She shakes her ass in front of me. There's only one thing I can do, as her husband!

"It's okay Abby, I'll just creampie you over and over again!"


AN: The legendary loli chapter...

By the way, I have started a poll, for Paid Patreons only, where you can vote for a Servant of this series to appear in canon.

That isn't to say the losers are destined to never appear, but the winner of the poll will for sure be the next Servant summoned.

I have never done a poll on Patreon before, but I wanted to do a special thanks to everyone that has been supporting me on it. It makes me really happy!


Basilisk Basilisk

Nice, this series is probably my favorite omake of yours

Infinite Daze

...You know when I made that joke on the "Yato's adventure in the past" omake I didn't expect you'd actually go for it.