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My wife... one of my wives motions towards me. "As all can without a doubt see, we have taken over the final bastion of pathetic resistance! None can resist mine husband anymore." The one doing the speech is Priscilla of course.

There are plenty of people in my harem who happened to be very good at public speaking, but none of them are as arrogant as her. She definitely sends a strong message to the TV if nothing else.

I sigh while sitting down on my throne, I probably shouldn't send a weak image right now, but... Ugh, did Aqua really have to build a throne inside of the White House!? And she did it so fast too...

But I ignore that for now, instead paying attention to Priscilla. "You Earthlings can rebel no more! Earth now belongs to Subaru Natsuki, the Supreme, Majestic, Purge Emperor!" I... do I really need such a chuuni title!?

She grins. "And since Earth is no longer public property, we have seen fit to rename it!" We have!? That's news to me! "It is now called... Subaruheartpriscilla, in honor of my husband of course!" I don't think that name is honoring me!

She points at the scream. "The term Earthling is no more! From now on, you are all Subaruheartpriscillalings! Members of our empire that shall soon rule the galaxy!" I'm sorry my planet.

I can't help, but mutter. "How did things escalate so much anyways...?" I close my eyes for a second.

And remember...


I'm kowtowing, hoping that this woman who looks terrifying won't kill me. "So yeah, the Love God probably summoned you. Sorry." I thought he would be taking me to this new world, but instead this woman suddenly showed up.

And what a woman she is, seriously she makes most supermodels look ugly. And... well... I'm not a pervert, but her tits are massive. Most importantly though, her red eyes truly are beautiful.

In any other circumstance I would be over the moon at having this woman as my soulmate, but considering she's gritting her teeth while literal fire dances around her, and she holds a magical sword with one hand, let's just say things look troublesome. She's not burning anything with her fire though, so silver linings!

With a quick flick of her wrist, she points her pocket fan at me. "Boy, introduced thyself. One is supposed to do that before any other explanation." I'm wondering if you even believed my explanation at all.

I pretty much told her everything that I know about soulmates. I don't know if she actually believes any of it though... hell, I don't know if I believe it. We locked eyed and I felt a shock, but so far she doesn't seem to be in love with me.

I stutter out my name. "S-Subaru Natsuki, m-my name is Subaru Natsuki." It's a pathetic display, but for once I don't hate myself for being a coward. I mean... she's like a fire swordswoman from another world or something!

Her eye twitches. "I... normally I would have crippled a man for talking with me in such a manner." I'm trying to be super respectful though! Is it taboo to kowtow in your world or something!?

To my surprise however, her anger slowly disappears. "And yet, all I feel right now is... a wound in mine heart. Get up Subaru Natsuki, the ground is beneath you, not on the same level as you." I... I think the situation is de-escalating.

I slowly raise my body, trying to keep my guard up in case she does something. "S-sorry, but I really am not lying..." Not that I could survive her attacks if she wanted to kill me of course, but... I don't wanna die, so I'm trying to at least not set her off.

Furthermore, my parents are probably in the living room, so if a fire started in our house... Well, I think they might be able to escape, but I don't want to tempt fate. Man, why is my soulmate so scary!?

She nods. "I believe you. It is clear that this world is not the one I'm used to..." The sword in her hand disappears, and with it so does the fire. "I cannot feel mana in the air for example... However, a strange source of energy does fill my body. Is that the Love God's doing?" So she really is from some crazy fantasy world!

But I can't really give her the answer she's looking for. "I don't know to be honest, he didn't say much, and... I mean, supposedly he was gonna take me to your world, not do the reverse." He also said I had multiple soulmates.

Does that mean even more crazy fantasy people will be showing up? I can barely handle this one. Actually, I literally cannot handle her at all, whether I live or die is her decision right now, scary as that is.

She scowls. "You do not know much of all, do you?" And I instinctively flinch, which... makes that scowl turn into a frown? "I... Do not mean to begrudge you for that, of course. The doing of the gods is far beyond the mortal mind." Oh, I got a pass nice.

I look away. "It's fine, I... didn't take offense to it, I know this is a scary situation..." I really didn't. I was scared, not offended! "That said... are you gonna tell me your name anytime soon?" I did say mine, so now I'm naturally curious.

Her eyes widen. "Oh, my apolo-." She stops herself. "I... mine name is Prisc-." Another pause, this time her face is red. "I do not yet know whether I enjoy this or not." That's probably not a good sign.

A giggle escapes her mouth. "Oh, what a fool I am." I... seriously can't get a read on her. "Mine name is Priscilla Barielle, you shall call me Prisca however. Understood Subaru?" Hey, as long as you don't kill me.

I awkwardly send her a thumbs up. "Got it... And hey, Prisca is a pretty cute nickname anyways." Prisca-Tan! I won't add the tan, even if my whole heart wants to do it, I value my life after all.

Her face becomes the same color as her eyes. "This is... to think even such a wishy-washy compliment would be so effective." H-hey... "Very well, I have decided..." She points her pocket fan at me. "Subaru Natsuki, I like this feeling! We are now lovers!" Hah!?

I take a step back. "What!? Isn't that coming kind out of nowhere!?" Please don't be just teasing me...! I now you just threatened my life a second ago, but I'm totally down to be your lover!

Huh? I'm super down bad and should feel ashamed of myself? Yeah, I know that. I also know that if she isn't lying, I'm gonna get to put my dick between her boobs one day, so I'm okay with becoming a creature of pure shame.

Priscilla raises an eyebrow. "Nowhere? Did you not just tell me that we are soulmates?" Um... yeah, but...! "I believe you, and it turns out that the feeling of love is just as lovely as everyone says." She's not... she's not just teasing me, isn't she?

She laughs. "It's only natural one day I would feel it, the world works on my favor after all. Both this one, and the one I came from." She puts her pocket fan... in the middle of her boobs... making it disappear. "Very well Lover, we shall find a way back to my world." Seriously, where did it go?

Sadly my questioning of the universe is interrupted as the door to my room suddenly opens. "My beautiful son! Your mother calls for you... She asks if you're gonna eat dinner!" Ah, shit...!

After barging in like an idiot who doesn't care for my privacy, Kenichi Natsuki finally notices who's in the room with me. Immediate his eyes widen and he releases a gasp, that gasp signifies my death.

Priscilla looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "This baboon is your father? The apple truly doesn't fall far from the tree." It certainly did ob my case. Also, please don't do anything magic related in front of me.

I sigh. "Dad... before you say anything, please don't make a big deal out of this..." I... I think I can handle this. Father is actually a pretty reasonable guy, so I'm much more terrified of my mother.

He slowly nods, he probably knows my true fear. "Y-yeah, it's just..." He looks at Priscilla. "I'm just surprised Subaru brought over a cosplayer friend, that's all. My name is Kenichi Natsuki, nice to meet ya miss." Okay, he didn't freak out.

And he didn't start screaming about Priscilla being my girlfriend or whatever either. My dad isn't like most old Japanese people, he understands that someone can have a female friend without dating her... Well, I have just become her boyfriend.

Now I'm scared about her reaction though...! "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Kenichi Natsuki. My name is Priscilla Barielle... and as you say, I'm a visiting friend." And she actually doesn't freak out either.

I was scared that she was gonna start talking about other worlds, or pull out some magic out of nowhere... But she really did go with the flow, which I'm honestly very grateful for. This is a dangerous path though, because I think she doesn't even know what cosplay is.

Dad smiles. "Got ya... Man, your Japanese is insanely good Miss Priscilla." My dad butchers name completely, but it does sound very foreign. "Anyways, I'll tell your mom you're busy with a friend Subaru. And don't worry... I'll make sure she knows it's just a friend." Thank goodness...

Priscilla interjects, her red face signals my doom. "Well... I'm not only his friend. The truth is that I'm dating your son." I should have expected that she would just outright say it! And I definitely can't deny her words either...

Dad slowly looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I can only nod in response and then he... "Hey, my beautiful darling son who is very wise one percent of the time... Now, I know this gonna come off as... extremely rude, but... she hasn't asked you for any money, has she?" You think I'm being someone's sugar daddy!?

My eye twitches. "Dad... I don't have any money to give away in the first place." I'm just glad Prisca didn't immediately explode at him. In fact she looks pretty happy, like the thought that she's so above me excites her.

He smiles, though it's a trembling one. "You certainly don't..." And then he turns around. "Naoko! Subaru is dating some cosplayer and he sneaked her into the house!" I despise existence.

I look at Priscilla, just to see what she's up too... And it seems she doesn't care about the current situation at all. She's literally looking at her fingernails, disinterested written all over her beautiful face.

I can hear the sound of plates screaming, and with a flash of light my mother arrives as well. "Kenichi, if you are lying, I will kill you." Her tone sounds completely serious. I... this is the beast I feared!?

But dad wasn't lying, and so my mom immediately sees Priscilla... and gasps. "W-wow, she's so pretty..." I can see the gear in her head turning. I believe she is currently imagining what grandbabies I could create with such a pairing.

Priscilla laughs. "I am indeed! Now introduce yourself, woman who I assume is the mother of my lover!" You know what? At least I'm glad that this has not followed the worst case scenario imaginable.

My mother looks like she's about to burst with happiness. "I see you're just as confident as you are pretty!" Please stop calling my newfound girlfriend from another world pretty, or I might start fearing yuri NTR.

Dad grins. "I know right? It's a good attitude to have, specially since she will be dealing with our NE-." My mother immediately glares at him. "She matches well with you Subaru, is what I'm trying to say." Sure... there's no need to lie. We all know the truth.

Mom waves him off. "Anyways, I'm Naoko Natsuki! It's truly great to meet you miss!" At least my mother didn't ask when the marriage is going to happen or anything of the sort. That would be truly disastrous.

I mean, this situation is already weird enough as it is. I met Priscilla a few moments ago, and now she's being introduced as my girlfriend to the rest of my family... And the worst part is that I don't even know if the Love God is gonna drag more people here.

And I also don't know how the hell I'm gonna go with Priscilla back to her world. I guess I just have to find that shitty Love God and ask what the hell he is thinking, breaking what he promised like this.

Priscilla smirks. "Oh, I know. Mine name is Priscilla Barielle... Now feed me! I desire that dinner I heard about!" You're hungry!? In this situation!? Well, I guess it can't be helped in a situation like this one...

There are stars on my mother's eyes. "Anything for you! And my son who you are dating!" She turns around and screams at the hallway. "Ah! My son isn't gonna die alone!" O-oi... Don't go around shouting something like that...


Priscilla hugs me tightly while we lay down. "Well, that was pleasant..." I can barely hear what she's saying. My virgin mind isn't ready to handle a hot bombshell pressing herself against me. There's seriously no way I can sleep like this.

Geez, and I did offer her to sleep in my bed, while I slept in a futon... In the end though, she decided we should sleep side by side with two futons. It goes without saying, but if my parents see such a scene, it's all over.

I take a deep breath, and calm myself. "S-so, do you have any plans about what to do tomorrow?" Maybe talking a little will take my mind off Priscilla's body. At least for long enough that I'm able to go to sleep.

She nods. "Yes, I have a couple of ideas. Firstly however, I must familiarize myself with this world... To be quite honest, I'm completely lost when it comes to your weird customs or... machines." Ah, that.

If nothing else, Priscilla convinced me that she's a genius at acting. Even though she has no idea about how anything here works, she managed to go with the flow so well that mom and dad didn't even notice anything weird.

They might eventually though, so she's correct with her idea. "Yeah, and... I also need to get you some new clothes... Somehow. I don't have any money to be honest." She only has that very attention grabbing dress after all.

Right now she's wearing m-my clothes, with the excuse being that she didn't think she would stay here until it got late, so she only came with her cosplay. A-and... let's just say even my clothes ended up being a bit too tight for her.

Holy shit, a girl is wearing my clothes, and it looks like the chest area is about to explode. I can't help, but wonder if this is some weird titillating dream my pathetic NEET mind cooked up.

Priscilla grins. "Worry not, coin basically rains over me... We will also need to find a residence where I can stay. I wish not to bother your kind parents." I have no idea how we are gonna find that when we have no documents.

But most important of all... "Yeah, and tomorrow I'm taking you to that shrine. Maybe we can find the Love God and have a chat with him." I don't actually know if he hangs out in there or not, but it's my best and only shot at finding how to send her back to her world.

She yawns. "Very well, I shall beat him up." That's a scene I would pay to see. "Now however, I wish to sleep. Now, if you wish to unleash your carnal urges on me... wait until tomorrow." She closes her eyes.

I can only blush in silence, in the end this conversation only made me even more anxious. Though I wouldn't... do that with a girl I just met, I have higher standards than that of course.

I close my eyes, and try to drift off to sleep... slowly, but surely I manage to stop thinking about Priscilla.


I open my eyes, there's some kind of weight atop of me, though it's not very heavy, combined with the sunlight who is now entering through the window, it's enough to wake me up.

"Hah?" Yes, I'm very awake right now, even my penis, who is currently feeling a very nice weight atop of it. "W-what...?" Mostly because there's a blue haired mage loli atop of my body.

Her cheeks have a healthy blush, even as she looks super tired. "L-look... I have no idea how I appeared here, so don't shout, please..." Our eyes meet, a shock runs through my body. I know exactly why she's here.

I blush. "I-I won't, but you seriously need to hid-."

My door opens up with a kick. "My dear son! Ir is time to wake up!" My father shows no consideration to Priscilla, who now wakes up as well. They both obviously immediately see this... situation.

My dad blinks in disbelief. "Son, is that another cosplayer? Son, is that cosplayer a middle schooler? Son, is that cosplayer humping you?" I...

I despise gods, that's all.


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