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"So, anything interesting happen today Sylphie?" I question my favorite elf... Well, it's not like I know many elves anyways. I can't help, but feel that they have to be fairly rare, it makes me wonder why...

Rudeus sighs, he's mad at me. "You don't have to answer him Sylphie." He then glares at me. "And don't you call my girlfriend by her nickname. Even saying her name is too much for you." Geez, what bit you? Certainly not Eris. At least not anymore.

Well, I can understand why you're so pissed off, I suppose. I basically followed you back to your room without your consent, but give me a break... I knew Sylphie was gonna show up here, so I naturally came too.

It goes without saying that Darkness is here with me as well. It would be extremely foolish to not go around with my bodyguard, specially since Cuckmire here might decided to blow me to smithereens or something.

The elf lightly slaps his shoulder, much to Quagmire's surprise. "Don't be rude Rudeus! Subaru just wants to be your friend!" Yeah... definitely... Well, I don't want Cuckmire to completely hate me, I guess.

He may be a piece of shit, but my girlfriend basically sees him as her brother, so... I can't just pick fights with him, it would make Eris sad. And as we all know, that is an unforgivable sin... one that I already have committed far too many times.

Rudeus' eye twitches. "I don't... How are you even friends with this guy Sylphie...? Did you forget the stuff he pulled?" I didn't do anything, it was all the Love God... It was mostly the Love God.

Sylphiette awkwardly scratches her cheek. "Well... It was mostly the fault of the people he hangs around with." Hey, even your elf credit can only go so far in protecting you, don't insult my Eris. "I mean, that Silent Seven Stars girl can't be good news..." Hey, insulting Banana is my exclusive right.

Rudeus smirks. "What do you even have against Nanahoshi...? Don't tell me you're jealous..." He waves her off. "If that's the case Sylphie, don't worry. We are purely business partners... And friends of course." I belive that, mostly because Bananahoshi would never fall for your tricks.

Sylphiette slips a glance at me. "I'm not jealous of her at all..." Good! You should not be feeling possessed of Rudeus, since you belong to me... Calm down Subaru Natsuki, calm down before you take the wrong path.

The elf continues. "Anyways, do you have any specific plans Rudy? Oh, maybe we could hit the town!" That does sound nice, but... I wonder if Eris will get worried if I stay out for too long. She might enter protective mode again.

Rudeus smiles. "We could do that, but we could also just... drink some alcohol and relax... It's up to you really." Drinking huh? I'm a bit too young for that, at least by Japanese standards, but since I'm here anyways...

Sylphiette sends us a questioning looks. "So, do you two drink? If you do then I think this could be really nice." Ah, just four people drinking while doing nothing... Man, the median eras were boring as hell.

And now I need to live in them... Well, there are some cool things a person can do, like train swordsmanship... or have sex with Eris... or train swordsmanship if you really feel like shaking up the formula! I need to invent more casual entertainment.

Alternatively maybe I could try buying some books? My reading is getting up there... Books are pretty expensive though, since the printing press doesn't exist. I would say I could create it for my company, but... well, I will check it with Kazuma eventually.

Darkness sends a smile to the elf. "Ah, I can drink just fine... In fact, I can handle my drink quite well too." As expected of a crusader! I wonder if Lalatina has the classic poison resistance of a tank or not.

I cross my arms and lean against the wall. "I'm fine with drinking too!" Rudeus sends me a glare, I can tell it's his Japanse instincts telling me to wait for a few more years. Heh, I'm older than him right now.

Quagmire opens one of his drawers. "I was saving this for a special occasion, but..." And he takes out a bottle of some type of alcohol from it. "Every occasion with Sylphie is special anyways." I'm stealing that line!

Still, I'm sort of surprised you can just... keep drinks in your room. I guess I better accept this isn't a normal school already, at least not if you're a special student. They don't even care that I sleep with my fiancee and my sex slave after all, and let's not forget that Aqua is rooming with Megumin.

Sylphiette giggles while looking at her boyfriend. "You say the nicest things Rudeus." She then looks at me with a side eye again. "Every moment is special huh?" Ah, it feels nice to talk with her when she isn't wearing sun glasses.

Rudeus takes out a few cups and starts serving us, and so, before long we are all drinking. My parents would kill me if they found out about this, actually they would probably kill me way before that, when they learn about Eris.

Rudeus chuckles. "And then master accidentally killed Caravaggio, or at least severely hurt him... Magic is scary." The Quagmire is now telling us tales about his teacher. Apparently she's some loli who taught him everything he knows.

The concept of a woman who looks young, but it's actually quite old isn't exactly new in isekai, but it's still surprising to hear about one. And now this woman will be visiting... eventually, it will take quite some time for her to show up after all.

Sylphiette gasps. "W-wow, so that's why he was never the same after that day...!" The horse got PTSD. "Anyways I wanna talk about love. Let's talk about love!" That's fine to me! I can gush about Eris for hours and hours!

Rudeus scrunches up his eyebrows together. "That came out of nowhere, but sure..." Then a big smile appears on his face. "My first love was you Sylphie! Even back in the village I knew we were destined from each other?" Oh?are you trying to escape the Eris allegations?

The elf nods, a red blush on her face, probably both from what he said and because she's drunk. "I see, I see. By the way, remember how you thought I was a guy?" Maybe Quagmire over here is bisexual...?

As Rudeus sputters, Sylphie giggles. "Well, you were my first love too...! But now I'm in love with..." A weird moment of silence settles in. "R-Rudy! I'm in love with Rudy!" Damn it, work your magic soulmate stuff!

I mean, don't do that! It would be just awful if Sylphiette suddenly dumped her boyfriend because of me, I literally wouldn't be able to handle the guilt. Or at least something like that... I probably should stop drinking already.

Rudeus looks away, seemingly embarassed by his comment. "I see..." Then he looks at Darkness. "So what was your first love? If you don't mind sharing with us of course." Oh? You aren't gonna ask me?

Lalatina smiles and looks down on her cup. "My first love is Subaru of course." I almost gag on my drink, it always surprises me when Darkness says genuine stuff. "I had met many good men before and annoyingly enough, very few bad ones, but... Well, my first crush was Kazuma I guess. Don't tell him." They don't even know him.

I do though, so I might kill him in revenge. Still, I know there's a difference between a simple crush and love, so I'm not too bothered by it. Besides, Kazuma is literally getting married, so it's not like he can pursue other girls... Probably. I doubt Nina is as amazing as Eris though.

Lalatina then looks at me. "I believe it's your turn now Subaru." I don't know how to respond to this question though, even if it is a fairly simple one... The obvious answer is Eris of course, but...

Rudeus sighs, his face settled in annoyance. "Ah, I don't know if I want to hear this one." The reason for that is clear. But he shouldn't care about stuff like this, he has a new girlfriend now, so until I steal her, he should stay quiet.

Sylphie pouts. "I don't wanna hear it either!" Wow, where did this come from!? Envy!? On a elf!? It's more likely than you think. "This sort of stuff should remain private!" You were fine with it just now.

I smile. "Well, the answer of who my first love was is pretty obvious." Sat- Why am I hesitating to say Eris? Is it because Darkness is here and I don't want to hurt her? Nah, that isn't is... I know Darkness doesn't mind. "My first love is Eris. I fell for her as soon as we met." There, I said it.

Rudeus grimaces. "Yeah, and she fell for you, for some dumb reason." I literally told you, we are soulmates. If you chose to downplay my statements, that is no fault of mine.

Sylphiette looks at the door. "I wanna go." So suddenly!? "Subaru, take me! Take me!" Very suddenly! Is Sylphie a light weight? Well, that isn't too unusual with elves in media, so I guess it's the same thing here.

Rudeus sputters. "Sylphie, phrasing please!" I'm on the same boat as Quagmire! Please stay stuff like that when he can't hear it, since he might kill me. "I'll... I'll take you to your dorm." Welp, I guess I might as well go back to Eris.

I need to stop drinking anyways, I have a important meeting tomorrow after all... I wonder if this Otto guy already arrived, if he did then he is probably staying at an inn right now... Apparently he's unlucky, so hopefully nothing bad happens to him.

Sylphiette nods. "Kay!" Then she looks at me. "Subaru, please come too! So you can protect me from Rudy!" Isn't he your boyfriend though!? Well, I might as well go, so I can take a look at the female dormitory.

Though... funnily enough Sylphiette is seen as a guy by the academy. The only reason she gets to live there, is because she's Ariel's bodyguard... I don't know if Luke has the same privilege as her, but I assume he does.

I chuckle. "Kay!" Then I look at my masochistic knight. "Lalatina, please come too! So you can protect me from Sylphie!" Bullying drunk elves is the best! And I'm very experienced at it too, since... since what? I played a lot of VN's...?

The elf huffs. "Mean! Rudy save me...! Subaru is breaking my heart like usual!" Hah!? I haven't broken your heart as far as I remember! Well, you are my soulmate, so I guess I must have had done that a few times.

Rudeus frowns. "Yeah Sylphie, you definitely drank too much... Let me carry you back." Now that you say it, I think it might be less that she's a light weight and more that she really did drink way more than us.

The elf shakes her head. "Don't wanna! You're a pervert Rudy, and I don't want your hands on me!" Fair enough, even if someone is your boyfriend they should know their limits. That said, please communicate your feelings in a nicer way!

Quagmire takes a step back, shock in his face. "S-sure, of course Sylphie..." He looks down, seemingly depressed. That immediately makes me feel happier, which probably means I really am the worst.

Sylphiette then points at me. "You carry me! 'Cause you're my boyfriend so it's okay!" You just said some dangerous words! "B-by the way how many... how many babies do you want...?" Some really, really dangerous words!

To my surprise though, Rudeus doesn't react in any crazy way. "Man, she's so drunk she doesn't even know what she's saying." He looks at the crusader. "Darkness, can you please carry her?" So I'm not getting the opportunity huh? I understand...

The crusader nods. "Sure, it's not my first time carrying drunk friends back home..." How does one survive living with Kazuma, Megumin and Aqua? The answer is insanity, nothing short of a masochistic knight could have done it.

Sylphiette however, puts her cup down on the ground and jumps in the bed. "Nah! I don't want to be carried by Darkness! She's...! She's...! She's the worst!" Why though!?

The knight now looks just as shocked as Rudeus. "T-the worst...!? That's nice to hear." It goes without saying, but her current blush is not due to her drunken state. "However, that aside you are putting us in a complicated situation Sylphiette..." I guess she can sleep here?

She shakes her head. "I'm not! Just let Subaru carry me already!" You're an elf though, so my hands might wonder around. I'm drunk too, so I'm specially weak right now... Basically, don't underestimate me.

Rudeus takes a deep breath. "F-fine... Where is this coming from anyways?" He then looks at me as Sylphie does a little cheer. "Just remember that you're engaged to Eris, and she would kill you even harder than I can." He does not know.

I smirk as I walk closer to the elf, she extends her arms toward me and whispers with glee. "Bridal carry...! Like a bride!" Yeah, that's from where the name comes from. I ignore her however, and send a raised eyebrow to Rudeus instead.

The Quagmire crosses his arms. "Whatever, this is just happening because she's drunk, so it's fine. Yeah, this is Fitz-Senpai we are talking about..." Cope and seethe. Or something like that, I guess.

As ordered by the gigantic power of an elf girl, I pick up Sylphie in a bridal carry. She's surprisingly light, definitely lighter than Eris that's for sure. I imagine she simply doesn't have as much muscle, even though elves are naturally way stronger than humans.

I smile towards her. "There you go Sylphie, I guess I'll be taking you." I'm literally walking out of Quagmire's room with his girlfriend in my arms. What the hell has my life come up to? Either way, this is a good feeling.

Sylphiette cheers and throws her arms around me. "Y-yay...! Don't tell Ariel though, she will be mad." Ah, right. If she sees this she might actually try to pull a knife on me. Her soulmate feelings are seemingly dead, but... this would definitely be too horrible for her to handle.

As soon as I pick Sylphie, we begin walking towards her room. The female dormitory is fairly far, but thankfully Rudeus can guide us. Apparently he got in a bit of a pickle here before, so he knows the way.

I must say though, walking through the halls of a building that I shouldn't be in feels very much nice, specially when I'm carrying a cute girl... I might have some issues. That said, I can't be any worse than Rudeus, right?

However, or walk is interrupted as we hear shouting. "Go back to the hole you crawled from horned bitch! Nobody wants to see your ugly ass face!" And I can recognize that voice, it's Aqua.

Another voice responds to her provocations. "I'm not going anywhere until I get what I came here for! Now step back, you...! You...! You bimbo! This is why everyone likes Eris and not you!" I don't recognize who's speaking, but the fact that she acknowledges Aqua and Eris is worrying.

I can then hear Megumin shouting as well. "Y-you two! P-please stop fighting...! It's super late!" It's only natural that the Arch Mage and the goddess would be in the female dormitory, but does this mean the third voice is a student?

I sigh and look at Rudeus. "Please take Sylphie back to her room, me and Darkness will go check out that mess..." At this point the elf is sleeping, so she won't complain. Not that she should be complaining about being carried by her boyfriend anyways.

Rudeus nods and I pass Sylphie's sleeping body to him. He leaves with a sigh and so Darkness and I dash towards the commotion. I feel responsible for Aqua's fuck ups so I'll intervene.

It isn't long before we finally see the problem. In front of Megumin's dorm room, there is a pleading Arch Mage, and... Aqua who is currently trying to strangle a red head... who is trying to strangle her back.

It's obvious that the red head isn't human either, mostly because she has pointy ears... and horns. For some reason, just looking at her makes my body shudder, I can hear the cursed word... Chomusuke!

Megumin is desperately trying to separate the two... "Aqua you better not die! If you die you can't revive sensei! Sensei you better die, you can be revived!" I think. Actually she might be trying to cut her losses.

Upon seeing such a scene I become too shocked to speak, thankfully Darkness steps forward. "Hey you two, cut that out!" Her voice is surprisingly commanding, and maybe that's why the two actually do stop.

They begin desperately coughing, I think these two idiots were truly about to kill each other. Aqua is my idiot though, so I rush to her side... This has better not have given her even more brain damage, or I won't be able to handle her.

I stand in front of her, in case the red head tries to pull something else. "Aqua, are you okay!?" I think Darkness has just averted a real gruesome scene... But then again, I don't think someone can choke someone to death while being choked to death. They would run out of strength first, right?

Aqua weakly nods. "Yeah, I'm..." Another cough, there's tears in the corner of her eyes. "I'm fine, thanks Subaru!" She then looks at the crusader. "And Darkness, don't you interrupt my holy crusade!" Goderis damn it!

The red head's eye twitches. "There's nothing holy about you." Sadly there is. "I have no idea why you decided to come here to ruin everything, but I'm kicking you straight back to heaven." As expected, she knows about Aqua's true identity.

Megumin interjects. "Sensei, I know Aqua's delusions are annoying, but please stop trying to kill her!" She then looks at me. "Kill that one instead! He's a stupid playboy!" Oi. Why do I have a feeling that if I came here with Sylphie in my arms it would have been a game over?

The red head, presumably Megumin's teacher pouts. "I wasn't trying to kill her! I would have used magic in that case! She's the one who lunged for my throat like an animal!" Ah, that makes sense. "And I won't kill someone just because they are a playboy." And that's reassuring!

Darkness glares at the goddess. "Aqua... Picking fights like back in Axel was one thing, but this is a civilized academy so control yourself." This academy isn't civilized at all! Stuff like duels are common here!

Aqua cries, as usual. "B-b-but...!" She then points at the horns on Megumin's sensei's head. "Look at that! She's a bad guy! Through and through!" I suppose horns are probably a bad sign, but she does have pointy elf ears...

Darkness gasps. "Aqua! Do not say such things! I do not know what type of demon this woman is, but that doesn't make her evil!" Oh, I didn't even realize it, but this stupid goddess did just commit fantasy racism.

The red head interjects. "Besides, I don't even need to use these." Suddenly her horns disappear. "They're just kind of... a decoration, I guess." Huh, without them she does kind of look like an elf.

A busty red head elf. Like a... Eris elf. Dangerous, she's a dangerous woman that's for sure! How the hell does Megumin's teached have such massive tits!? Doesn't that clash with the whole loli mage thing!?

I look at her eyes with no hesitation, and she looks back at mine... No shock runs through my body, and I have now noticed she has catlike eyes... Chomusuke. She reminds me of elf Chomusuke. I might throw up.

I made eye contact without fear because I'm an idiot, but also because Eris said it's okay to have two wives, but now I'm glad we aren't destined to be together. I do not need to date a woman who would constantly remind me of Chomusuke.

Aqua grits her teeth. "Well, using horns as decorations is kind of rude too isn't!?" Huh, now that you say it... "So just leave already you dark goddess!" For real? Is Aqua is calling her divinity then she probably really is.

Now I'm starting to feel kind of nervous... All the goddesses I have met so far are incredibly powerful and scary, even Aqua. It goes without saying that a dark goddess will be that times a thousand.

The red head waves her off. "You're being too dramatic, as always, because you're a cun-, an idiot." She sighs, frustration clear on her voice. "I should have dragged Frieren and Fern with me... that would be so much easier with them." Are they gods too?

She then sends me a smile. "Anyways, my name is... Red. It's a pleasure to meet you!" And then she looks at Darkness. "And you as well of course." Weird, for a goddess she seems pretty reasonable...

Megumin gasps. "Eh!? She's telling her name to you guys!? Even though she was all about keeping it a secret back when we were training!?" She points at me. "Don't seduce my teacher Purge King!" Red raises an eyebrow at her comment.

It's only natural really, a scary name like Purge King shouldn't be given to a random guy. Red however, then remember that Megumin is a Crimson Demon, and so she calms down and doesn't question me.

Aqua snarls. "Well, she's probably being all weird about her real name, because she's actually...! Wolbach! The dark goddess of sloth and violence!" Oh, that does sound really bad, but she's probably not worse than you.

Wolbach takes a few steps back in shock, she actually ends up against the wall. And then she does an awkward clearly fake laugh. "C'mon! That's ridiculous! And you guys definitely don't need to send the entire of Sharia to capture or kill me!" Eh, as long as you're not causing problems...

Darkness tilts her head. "To be honest, I have never heard the name Wolbach... Well there is the Demon General, but something ridiculous as she sneaking out of Belzerg and going all the day to Sharia is impossible, not to mention she would have no reason to do so." Wolbach's body begins to tremble.

Megumin puts her hands in her hips. "Wolbach huh... There was a dark goddess sealed in our village... and sensei appeared suspiciously close to there... But it can't be sensei, because I think sensei actually defeated the dark goddess anyways." Great, now I'm confused.

Wolbach looks away. "Well, in a way you're sort of right..." And then she clears her throat. "Anyways, please be aware that I won't stay here for long, it's just that I tracked a bit of that beast and came here to check on it Megumin." The only beast here is Chomusuke.

Megumin blinks in confusion. "Oh? You mean the thing you killed with Explosion Magic?" The maybe goddess of sloth and violence nods. "Sorry, but there isn't anything here that is remotely close to a feline beast like that." For real?

I interject. "There's Chomusuke." I knew that cat was evil! She probably tricked my soulmate senses or something! Now please let your unbelievably hot, Eris elf like teacher save me! Huh, now it's kind of weird that she reminds me of the cat...

Megumin glares at me. "Maybe your brain melted with all your perversion, but Chomusuke is a normal cat." MMT please forgive me already...! I won't try my dirty tactics on you anymore!

Aqua excitedly nods. "Yes! Chomusuke is a normal kitty! And she definitely doesn't have little wings or breathe fire!" She crosses her arms. "But even if she hypothetically did all that, I wouldn't let you get your dirty hands on her!" Please stop antagonizing her.

I have no idea whether Wolbach is secretly a goddess, demon general, or even just a normal mage, but what I do know is that she must be able to use Explosion Magic. That's scary enough that I don't want to make her my enemy, specially when she isn't even my soulmate, and therefore feels nothing for me.

The maybe dark goddess crosses her arms. "I see... But if we are speaking in hypotheticals... Let's say I really am the dark goddess of sloth and violence... What are you four going to do to stop me?" We triggered the worst case scenario, didn't we?

Wolbach scowls. "You're not a fighter Aqua, I could put you to sleep and then step on your neck, but that's just if I want to be fancy. Alternatively I could just throw lightning at your throat... That's what it would mean to make Wolbach of Sloth and Violence your enemy." Please only take me! I mean, Aqua!

She then claps her hands, now suddenly smiling. "Alternatively... If you all helped me, than everyone could have good dreams for an entire year! How does that sound?" I basically never dream anyways... Also, you kind of confirmed that you really are a dark goddess.

Darkness puts her hand on her swords hilt. "I do not believe I will help you slaughter my friend's cat, no matter what you claim to be able to do!" Is this really the time to be a heroic knight!?

Well... She's right. Even if Chomusuke is a beast, I guess I can't let my soulmate be killed... How do we win this though? I should have brought Quagmire with me here... But maybe if a big fight starts he will come anyways? He's probably not very far right now.

Megumin takes a deep breath. "Sorry sensei, but I'm not letting you take Chomusuke! She's the only being who would never ever lie to me or toy with my heart after all!" Don't say all that while glaring at me!

Wolbach frowns. "Young lady you... are still sort of weird huh?" I don't think there's anything weird about someone trying to defend their pet from a supposed dark goddess. That feels pretty normal actually.

Megumin is trembling as she faces her, she probably knows exactly how strong Wolbach is. "A-and you're still the f-fraud who can't conquer the world! Or give someone big boobs!" Where did that come from!?

A few tense seconds passes, but then... Wolbach actually smiles. "I suppose I am." She then looks down and begins to mutter. "I can find him another way, there's no reason to traumatize a couple of kids..." I'm eighteen! And Darkness is even older!

The dark goddess nods. "Very well, since I failed so miserably to grant your wishes back then, I won't hunt down this Chomusuke... But keep an eye on it, got it Megumin?" It takes a second for the Arch Mage to process her words, but once she does she nods.

Aqua tries to start shit up again, because she's the worst. "Hey! There's no way you think that we are just gonna believe what you say right!? You represent violence and sloth, and those are like... super evil! That's why we kicked you out of Heaven!" T-that feels like god racism!

Aqua sends me a pleading look. "Subaru, you have to kick her ass! She's evil... and also like... a distant cousin of the Red Car God! You can't trust her!" I don't, but Megumin does, and to be honest that's good enough for me.

I cross my arms. "Aqua you may be the goddess of water, but you basically represent sloth and violence as well, so shut it." My blue haired soulmate falls down to the ground in shock, defeated by the incredible power of her previous actions.

Wolbach giggles. "Ah, believers of Eris are always so nice..." So you noticed my pendant huh? "Anyways, I'll be leaving now... I have somethings I need to do." It was nice to meet you...? I think...?

I hear the slightest sounds of a door creaking, I ignore it though.

Megumin raises her voice. "You're leaving already sensei!? But I haven't even showed you how you were totally wrong about Explosion Magic and I was totally right about it!" MMT is always right!

Wolbach pats the young mage's head. "You're still as cocky as always Megumin..." I hear little footsteps. "Don't worry though, I'll be staying in this city for n- Ah! Get it off me!" Suddenly there's a black blur scratching her face.

It seems Chomusuke being the little monster that she is, opened the door and then decided to attack Wolbach. Oops.

Aqua gets up immediately, her face filled with excitement. "That's right, kick her ass Chomusuke! You're going to heaven for sure! Right after Lancel!" Please don't encourage this! In fact, please go back to being a depressed Aqua.

Megumin desperately tries to save her teacher, however she's failing miserably to remove the cat from her face. "Chomusuke stop...! If she's blinded she won't be able to admit my superiority!" That's where your mind is!?

I look at my sex slave. "Lalatina, you're super strong right!? Stop that cat from killing someone!" How will I live with myself if my soulmate goes to jail because of manslaughter!? This is horrible!

Darkness nods and tries to save Wolbach... But then the goddess begins glowing... and so does Chomusuke. This is bad, that thought hits me first. What hits me first is a burst of red mana that fills the hallway.

For a moment I'm blinded, but when I can see again... What I find is a passed out Wolbach and a screaming Megumin. "Ah...! Chomusuke exploded!" This... Goodbye my soulmate, you will be dearly missed...!

Slowly Wolbach gets up. "What the hell just happened... nyah?" That's a question we should be asking! Wait a minute, what's with the nyah...? Hey, if that beast of whatever was the dark goddess, and you were the dark goddess too...

I raise my arms in victory. I am not a cat fucker! I am not!

Aqua points at the dark goddess. "She just ate Chomusuke! Let's kill her!" You already caused enough trouble, please stay in your lane. Besides... I don't think saying she ate her is the right word.

Darkness' face is set on worry, she looks at me. "S-should we attack her Subaru?" I quickly shake my head in denial. Even if she did do something weird... She's clearly some sort of powerhouse, so we should avoid any conflict.

Megumin puts her hands on Wolbach's shoulders and starts to shake her. "Sensei spit her out already! Do it before you digestive system spells out the end of my cat!" You're buying Aqua's theory!? Anyways, stop shaking her before she throws up!

A dizzy Wolbach mutters out her response. "I... I did it in the box, stop screaming at me...!" Hey... Could it be that my theory is actually the correct one here? There's no way right... "Ah, what fiendish memories!" Suddenly she puts her hands on her head, clearly in distress.

Megumin gasps. "Did you fuse with my cat!? What the hell Sensei!?" I think she was actually always your cat, but someone who doesn't believe in the divine won't understand that...

Suddenly Wolbach takes a deep breath. "Okay, gotta calm down... nyah... I'm not a cat... nyah..." She sighs. "Mission accomplished, I guess. What a stupid mess...!" So that's what she wanted with Chomusuke!

Megumin cries out. "Who cares about some stupid mission!? Give me back my one and only trusted comrade! I said some real embarassing stuff about Purge King to Chomusuke, so you can't have those memories?" Oh? Now I'm interested.

Aqua's fist starts to glow yellow, I can hear her muttering. "Oh, don't worry Megumin. I'm getting Chomusuke back one way or another..." I don't think punching Wolbach to death will fix this!

I look to my sex slave. "Lalatina, restrain Aqua please, before she does something stupid." She nods without hesitation, and does as ordered. To be honest, it's almost like she was expecting this... She probably was, considering she has lived with the goddess before.

Aqua struggles to no avail. "Let me go Darkness! I'm trying to save everyone here! This is like... my heroine moment!" Since Lalatina is sane, she pays Aqua no heed and simply keeps holding her.

Wolbach finally responds to Megumin, as she awkwardly scratches her cheek. "Um... I sort of... am Chomusuke?" So I was right! "You see, I was split in two aspects until now, but we accidentally fused, nyah. Sorry." Please stop with the nyah's.

Megumin's face shows no emotion. "Sensei... are you saying you're my cat?" The woman slowly nods. "I... so you remember everything Chomusuke did? Everything she heard? All that?" Yet another nod.

Megumin sits down, contemplating where her life went wrong.

As for Wolbach, she takes another deep breath and finally looks at me. "Subaru Natsuki... this may come off as incredibly strange, but..." She gets on one knee and takes a ring out of her pocket. It goes without saying that this is an incredibly familiar scene. "Would you marry me, nyah?" I'm not a cat fucker.

A grin reaches my face. "Yes! That's totally fine by me!" And that response nets me a happy smile from Megumin's teacher... Not to speak of a bunch of tears.

Darkness gasps. "S-so fast!" When the opportunity strikes...! Thanks Eris! Ah, I will probably have to explain this whole harem thing to Wolbach, that might... that definitely will be super scary.

Aqua is struggling even harder now. "H-hell no! What kind of nightmare is this!? Let me go Darkness! Let me go already!" Ah, you're being held down while someone you hate steals your soulmate... I must not laugh, I mustn't.

Megumin slowly looks down. "Is it weird that I'm on Aqua's side? It's normal right? Right?" I'm so sorry for your cat that actually wasn't a cat. I'm not a cat fucker by the way.

Wolbach goes to put her ring on my finger. "I'll make you so happy! I promise!" There is one obstacle on her way though. "Hah? Why is there already a ring there?" Oh boy.

"You see... I'm sure you will notice if you search your memories more. I'm engaged." Please don't kill me!


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