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As usual, Zanoba, Rudeus, Nanahosh, Megumin and I all sit together. It's almost time for another day of learning! And to be honest I'm really looking forward to it, because it will at least be tranquil and serene.

Basically I'm glad to have a break from Aqua. Oh, and if you're wondering about her other party member, my bodyguard, she's waiting outside. I actually invited her to enter the classroom with me, but she said she would prefer the humiliation. Please change and grow as a person Lalatina.

Nanahoshi smiles, it makes me worried. "So anything interesting happened to you guys...? I found out I was sick, and a healer helped me by the way." I breathe a sigh of relief, she spared me from a horrible fate.

If Nanahoshi told MMT about my engagement, I don't know how I would deal with her freaking out. Actually, I know exactly how that would go, I would immediately ask for the mage's hand in marriage and then proceed to spew some crap about harems. I am weak.

Zanoba smiles while pushing up his glasses. "Well, Julia made a pretty nice figure recently..." I don't exactly know who this Julia is... Either she is Zanoba's little sister, or his daughter. If it's the later than she's probably adopted, since he looks so young.

Rudeus face is filled with pride. "Fitz-Senpai and I went in a romantic... a bromance filled picnic! It was pretty amazing." The reason for his suddenly change in words, is that most of the academy thinks the elf is a man. Don't ask me how, they must have low cute elf girl detecting prowess, unlike me.

Megumin smirks. "My progress with my Gate is going pretty great, I'm figuring out all low tier spells." Megumin's affinity is fire, and apparently she's learning it so she can upgrade her explosion magic even more.

And now it's my turn. "I've been making preparations to open a company called Pleiades with Nanahoshi! And everything has been going great so far..." In fact things have been going so well that I'm getting a bit anxious.

Nanahoshi's smile dies out. "Subaru here is now engaged to Eris Greyrat." I knew you would do it! I knew betrayal was coming...! Well, it ain't too bad, I would need to tell everyone eventually anyways.

Zanoba is the first one to react, he lightly claps. "Congratulations! I hope you two have a happy marriage!" Thanks my friend that I can't help, but find slightly creepy sometimes. And sorry for thinking that in the first place.

Rudeus' head hits the table. "Damn it, I knew this was coming, but it still hurts..." I won't apologize to you. "Congratulations... to Eris, not to you." Well, if nothing else she will be extremely happy with your approval.

Megumin at first gasps, and then her lips tremble into a weak smile. "T-that's great...!" Oh, I got the approval of MMT, life is good again. "I too am engaged, in fact my fiance is our dear shares friend Rudeus...!" Hah...?

I immediately send her a confused look... and so does Quagmire. What is she yapping about now...? "Yeah, we got engaged! I'm about to be taken forever and ever! If a handsome guy wants me, this is the time to act." Are you trying to make me jealous...!? I would be if it was real.

Rudeus sighs. "Sorry, I consider all Crimson Demons perfect angels, but..." What a coincidence, so do I! "I have a person I like, please do not involve me in your plots for romance." And so Rudeus Greyrat rejects a loli. The world is becoming weirder and weirder.

Megumin's face is a mix between shock and betrayal, but she walks forward nonetheless. "R-Rudeus, I actually meant Zanoba! It was Zanoba I was talking about!" I see, I see. A totally normal mistake to make when talking about your fiance.

The man in question interjects. "Since my master has so tactfully bowed out, so shall I. And besides, no offense to you Megumin, who also aspires for her own unique form of art, but... I would break you in half." What's that supposed to mean!?

Megumin looks down, and then slowly shifts her look towards the Banana of all people. Nanahoshi shakes her head without saying anything, once again dodging the blessed yuri route... Just build your lesbian harem already and leave me alone.

Megumin sighs. "This..." And then a look of determination appears on her eyes, they are blazing red... and I'm not exaggerating, they are actually glowing. "I know your past and I can only apologize for what I'm about to do Purge King, but this is for my own good." Isn't the phrase supposed to be for your own good!?

My eye twitches. "Hey Megumin-Tan, I don't know what you're about to do, but please don't become a fallen." She completely ignores my words, instead she gets up from her chair, that look of unwavering determination is still in her face.

She puts both closed hands close to her eyes, and... starts fake crying. "Ah...! This man, known as Subaru Natsuki, or Purge King, who is sitting besides me...!" Why are you being so specific!? "He...! Impregnated me! And now he wants to dump me so he can marry some meathead!" How does one officially remove angel status!?

Well, it's not like there are too many people in the class, but those who are here look horrified. And Megumin-Not Tan being the unmercifull creature that she is, doesn't hesitate to continue. "He painted my womb white over and over again! And called me his eternal love while doing it!" Can someone kill me?

She actually gets on top of her table to continue her acting. "He said protection was for cowards!" Well, it is true that I never use protection. "He said my black panties were sexy!" They're black!? That's sexy. "He pulled me by my hair while we were doing it! Some real lewd stuff!" How do you have the courage to scream stuff like that!?

Rudeus swipes off a tear that was descending dowm from his right eye. "Ah, how sad. To think this poor Crimson Demon would be abused and then abandoned, we should totally crucify the guy who did it." You definitely don't believe anything that she just said.

And while he tries to guilt me to death, Nanahoshi glares at me. "Playboy who preys on children." I'm not preying on her! And Megumin is like... four years younger at maximum...! Which is still kind of bad... But like, if we were in our thirties no one would notice that age gap! Look to the future!

Thankfully Zanoba doesn't immediately judge me... Until Rudeus slightly pokes him and he finally gets the cue. "What a fiendish man...! I shall never let you get close to my dear Julie!" From what you have described, she's probably seven, I have no interest in that!

Now it's my turn to get up, I hit the table with two open palms. "You guys are the worst! When you're friend tells you that he's engaged you're supposed to support him damn it!" Could I be doing something wrong...? No, they're the ones in the wrong!

Rudeus looks away. "It would be a stretch to call us friends, in fact I actually think I hate you." Yeah, that's fair enough. "And now that I have seen how you're ruined this young girl's life I hate you even more!" Die monster.

Zanoba too looks away. "Sorry Subaru, but I must follow my master's teachings." Please stop admiring Rudeus, he is the worst person imaginable for this sort of role. Specially since he took his past student to bed.

Nanahoshi's glare doesn't change at all. "You're the scummiest scum to ever exist... And you're being too foolish. End this marriage of your already and return to reality." Is it weird that I wanna get on top of the table to complain about my problems like Megumin is doing?

And speaking of the fallen angel, her speech hasn't ended. "Hasn't rage been born into your heart!? To learn that a man who plays with young girls is around!? Let's force him to take responsibility! For justice! For love! For the child growing in my belly!" There is no child in that stupidly cute belly!

Thankfully, her reign of terror is ended once one Cliff gets up from his chair, turns around and throws a book at her. "Shut up! No one wants to hear about your hijinks!" You're actually my hero.

Megumin manages to dodge the book, but almost falls from the table. "S-sorry!" And then she jumps off it, and returns to her chair. I should buy a gift basket for Cliff, one filled with wine and gold.

The fallen angel sends me a proud smile. "Did you like my performance? I sure hope you did, because all of the classes I attend will be hearing it." Ah... And I imagine those classes have way more students... Is she threatening me!? "I'm threatening you by the way!" She just outright said it!

I pout. "Just where did this come from anyways...!? This isn't the Megumin-Tan I know! Bring back your angelic qualities...!" If my engagement is ruining her, then I... No, I will pick Eris above picking this angel, even if I must kill my heart.

Megumin blushes, and looks down. "Well, it's because I...! I...! I like..." Ah, she's about to confess, but I already know her feelings. What I want to know is why she's suddenly acting on them, she has been pretty... passive, at least until now.

Suddenly she extens her hand grabs on to one of my sleeves. "H-hey, can we talk about this outside...? I want to talk about something embarrassing." What you just did is way more embarassing than a simple confession!

I give her a look full of distrust, for obvious reason. "Megumin, are you gonna go to the hallways so you can scream about how I totally impregnated you to strangers?" My reputation is gonna die, isn't it? Ah, it died a long time ago anyway.

She shakes her head. "I won't...! I promise you Purge K-, I promise you Subaru! In fact, I'm hoping that there isn't anyone there, because I want to have a one on one talk with you...!" That's... Fine, I'll listen to what this angel has to said.

I nod. "Okay then, let's go Megumin-Tan." Perhaps her angel self will return, but before that I turn around to my friends. "I'll be back soon... probably." Unless Megumin's plan is to secretly kill me.

Rudeus snorts. "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. You damn lolicon." I will actually strangle you.

Nonetheless, I ignore him and follow Megumin into the hallways. This will be an important moment where I shall try to restore her pure white wings! And the panties are black...! Ah, now I can't stop thinking about that.

As soon as we leave, we are met by a surprised Darkness. My bodyguard was dutifully waiting for me just like she said. "Eh? Did class end early?" She's such a pure girl that she didn't even think about us skipping class... Did I just think of Lalatina as pure!?

Megumin blushes and points at the end of the hallway. "P-please go away for a few minutes Darkness...! I'm about to discuss some important stuff..." The knight raises an eyebrow in my direction, and once I nod she begins to walkway.

I better not get murdered at this very moment... Well, I doubt they would assassinate me inside of the academy of all places. I only brought Darkness here because I basically already live here anyways.

Once Darkness has left our sight, Megumin takes a deep breath. "S-so... Geez, where do I even start...? This sort of stuff is hard, now I get why Bukkororii struggles so much with it..." What the hell is that name...?

Megumin scratches her cheek. "Purge King... Subaru... The truth is... is..." Her eyes glow blazing red yet again. "I like you! Romantically I mean! That's why I acted like that, and I'm sorry, but..." Ah, I'm just glad her angel self has returned.

But now it's time to shut her down, then she can move on from me. "Megumin... I'm incredibly flattered, really. You're an incredible girl, but... I'm engaged..." She looks down, sadness in her eyes. "Also the age difference is kinda creepy." And now that sadness has been replaced with rage. Oops.

Megumin's lips tremble, she begins to mutter. "Yeah, I'm not letting things end like this." Oh no. "Subaru, I know I'm younger and I know you're engaged, but... at least hear me out, kay?" If that's all you're asking for...

I nod. "Yeah, I'll always hear you out, since you're a important person to me, the person who saved me." Ah, she blushed at that, I should have kept my mouth shut. But it is true that MMT is extremely important to me.

A smile appears on her face. "Thanks Subaru... So as I said, I like you... But I lied just now." You did!? Did the soulmate effects disappear!? I don't wanna say goodbye to my angel... "The truth is that I love you, from the bottom of my heart." Ah, she made me lower my guard to land an explosion on my soul!

She sputters. "And if you're gonna ask why...! It's such a long list I don't even know where to start!" I know the reason, it's called asshole Love God. "But if I need to pick a spot... it has to be the glimmer in your eye." She's complimenting my eyes... My one true weakness!

She looks me in my weakness. "It's like... it's like two stars. There are two beautiful eyes on your face, and I desperately want them to shine upon me." This is bad, my heart is racing. "They actually... they actually remind me of my bad." Ah, now my heart has returned to normal.

My first weakness is complimenting my eyes, my second weakness is comparing me to father's. They deal completely different types of damage however, and MMT definitely notices that sinc she flinches.

So she desperately tries to fix her mistake. "I mean... I mean that in a good way by the way! My dad is a loser bum, but you're a cool bum!" Oh, so your plan really was to kill me. "No, but seriously... Both of you even have cool looking mean eyes, but if he's a fire, you're the sun." Nice save...? I think...?

Megumin looks down. "But the reason... the reason why I'm bringing up my parents in the first place, is because...! For the first time ever, all of my letters to them just say how much this has been fun." So you communicate with your parents huh? You're a better child than me, that's for sure.

The Arch Mage joins her hands together. "That was the first time I realized you know? I was writing a letter for them, and normally they are always about how Kazuma screwed up, or how Aqua had put us in debt, but... For the first time ever, none of that was in my mind. And so I just naturally wrote... I wrote about how I fell in love." This is bad... Too much MMT will actually kill me!

She separates her hands again. "Well, I doubt they received any of the letters yet though, travel and all that... Ah, I'm rambling aren't I? But that's the thing, I can ramble hours and hours when it comes to you." I instinctively take a step back, this is true power.

She puts a hand on her chest. "And... and to prove my point, to show you how much I love you... Normally I always try to sneak out of whatever city I'm in for a few hours, so I can use Explosion Magic, and if I don't do that... I get so sad for the entire day..." Maybe I could take you somewhere so you can do it, I guess...

She closes her eyes. "But... I haven't done that recently. The reason for that is simple. Using my time for that could mean having less time to spend with you, getting tired from that could mean enjoying my time with you less, and... using Explosion Magic could cause you problems. Just thinking about breaks my soul." I...! Eris, save me from her love! Please!

And then her eyes open again. "But... the biggest reason is that I actually have been using Explosion Magic all this time. Because... because ever since I met you, an explosion has been going on inside of my heart, and it's far greater and far more beautiful than anything I could have made with a staff." Okay, I lost.

I'm just waiting for her finishing blow. "Subaru, I am desperately in love with you. I want to go in the greatest adventurers imaginable with you, I want to brag about being with you, I want to show you my craft, I want... I love you, please love me back." I...

I love Eris, those are the words I should choose, but... "Megumin... I... I also really like you... really love you!" I cannot resist her...! No! I really have become a scum lolicon, but her voice is just too damn powerful!

She gasps. "So you...! You're going to break off your engagement to be with me!?" There's no way I could ever do something that cruel. I also genuinely love Eris as well... It's just that while the swordswoman occupies the first place, Megumin occupies the second.

Lalatina is there too. Somewhere. You can probably see her if you squint your eyes like... sort of hard. Okay, that's mean, she's in the second place, Megumin gets the third place. Harems are hard.

I awkwardly scratch my cheek. "Actually... I was thinking we could have a serious discussion with Eris instead and talk about... a polyamorous relationship...?" Hey honey! Can I bang this young angelic demon!? I'm losing a few teeth tonight.

Megumin's smile dies. "W-what...?" Oh boy, soulmate magic, please carry me through this. Convincing Megumin should be the easy part, it will be much worse with Eris aftef all.

My smile trembles. "Well, I can't... I don't want to dump my fiancee... I really do love her, and she also helped me a bunch, so I was thinking about.... about a harem situation...?" I have become all the main characters I despised.

Megumin frowns. "B-but... but... what the heck!? I just gave you a super special awesome confession! I had to write and memorize a script for that you know!?" But you said you were rambling!?

She grits her teeth. "Y-you...! You piece of garbage!" And then she kicks my leg, thankfully it doesn't hurt much, since she's pretty weak. "Go to hell! I hate you!" There are tears descending from her crimson eyes as she storms back to class.

Hey Love God, why is it that soulmates don't become automatically okay with sharing me? Where is my easy harem...? Lalatina truly was the best find in the entire world, and so was Eris for accepting her.

I look down. "Just what the hell do I do now...?" Is there any point to living if MMT hates me...? "Eris loves me. I love Eris." Yeah, there's that. I'm an engaged man for fuck's sake! An engaged man who just tried to pressure a young girl into a harem...!

This is low even for me, so when I get back to my dormitory I will kowtow to Eris a thousand times, but for now... It's time to return to class.

This is going to be so awful.


This was so awful. "Subaru, are you okay...?" Lalatina questions my wellbeing as soon as I leave the class. To be honest I don't know what I should tell her, this might have been the worst day of my life.

Megumin kept randomly sobbing during class, and all of my friends were looking at me like I'm scum... "Yeah, I'm fine." But that's no reason to make Lalatina concerned, I'll find a way to fix this mess soon.

But now I have to get out of here, I was the first to leave the class, mostly because I don't wan to confront the Crimson Demon. And I think that as long as I remain in front of the door, she won't leave...

However, suddenly someone snaps me out of my thoughts. "E-excuse me...?" It's a familiar soft voice, one I recognize... and one that sounds kind of similar to Darkness, except not corrupted by the world.

I look at the source. "Fitz...? Nice to see you, do you need something?" Maybe that answer came out as a bit rude, but I'm a bit stressed. Though I will admit that seeing an elf is slowly calming down my nerves... I'm a predictable man...

She looks down, a blush on her face... Though I actually think she's in love with Rudeus nowadays. "I... Lady Ariel wanted to invite you for some tea..." I... fuck it. Might as well break out the news to her now.

It can't go any worse than how things went with Megumin.


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