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"And so the defenses around him get even bigger..." Oh, please don't tell me you're talking about Subaru Natsuki again. "It will be hard to kidnap him if he's constantly being followed around by a modern legend." Yep, this princess is talking about her weird love again.

For a few moments I had actual hoped she had genuine student council business to discuss, and that's why she had brought us to our room. But nope, it's about that man again... Can't we discuss about how we are gonna fix the student council room before discussing how we are gonna break Subaru Natsuki?

Though it's not like I can disapprove of Ariel's pursuit anymore, Subaru Natsuki is clearly a God-Ranked fighter after all, and that has insane value. It's also very worrying, because such an amazing mage really could have easily messed with the mind and heart of my friend.

The princess continues, a bright smile on her face. "But at least now that he's gonna be attending as a special student, I'll have more opportunities to talk with him! Oh, we are gonna eat lunch together everyday!" Don't casually shift from kidnapping to this.

Sylphiette smiles too. "That does sound very nice! I'll be right there with you Ariel!" Since we are in a private room, the elf is not bothering with her facade. However, Ariel frowns at her comment... I doubt she wants a third wheel. Which probably means I'm getting told to take a hike when the moment comes.

I smirk towards Sylphiette. "Wouldn't you prefer to eat lunch with the Quagmire instead? That's what you usually do." Ugh, I why did both of my friends decide to have romantic interests in the worst people possible?

To my surprise Sylphiette shudders. "Um... he... Rudeus eats a bit too loud, it makes me uncomfortable, besides he likes eating with Zanoba, and..." Geez, I get it. Well, I do think that Zanoba guy is a freak.

I wave Sylphie off. "Understood, don't worry. I'm actually rather happy for you... If you can see Quagmire's flaws and still like him, that means you're out of the honeymoon phase. You must really love him." Understandable since he is her childhood friend. "Gotta say though, it's kind of pathetic how you left the honeymoon phase before even kissing him." The day always gets better after insulting Sylphie's attempts at romance!

She sighs. "I-I guess so..." And then she looks at Ariel, seemingly escaping this conversation as quickly as possible. "Anyways, are you really still planning on kidnapping Subaru? Wouldn't that be dangerous if he's so strong?" Good point. 

Ariel shrugs. "Even the strongest men in the world will crumble on themselves if pumped with enough aphrodisiacs." But that would mean making him drink the thing before you get your hands on him. "Or alternatively something to put him to sleep." I guess we could sneak that into his tea or something.

The elf pouts, clearly not happy with the idea. "Just remember that when you tried to rape me, I almost killed you. Don't let lust get the better of you Ariel." Wait a minute there! You just dropped some important information that I was missing!

And for some reason, I'm not surprised at all. This is Ariel we are talking about, so of course Sylphiette was once a target of her lust. Man the old Ariel would probably like Eris Greyrat much more than she likes this guy...

Ah, I will admit, my heart begun to race the moment I saw the redhead... I can see how she has stolen both the heart of the Quagmire and the Purge King, it's like she's a legendary seductress from a fairytale.

Ariel nods towards Sylphie. "I know... I won't lose my head over matters such as this like I normally do. Screwing things up once may mean death... or worse, Subaru thinking I'm a loser." You are slowly becoming a loser in my opinion anyways.

The princess let's out a frustrated sigh. "Still, what's with that Lalatina girl!? How can such a high ranking noble even become a sex slave in the first place..." She could have been disowned, I guess... But I feel like we would have heard such news.

Belzerg is the only country who is currently at war against a Demon King after all, and so people's eyes are constantly on them. If the heiress to a duchy had been disowned, everybody from here to the demon continent would have known.

I raise an eyebrow. "Does it bother you that he has a sex slave?" It wouldn't surprise me. I'm the type of man that is fine with a wife who fucks around as long as she lets me do the same, but maybe that isn't the same for my equally perverted friend.

Ariel closes her eyes, lost in thought. Eventually she opens them again and responds. "It's... I don't know. I guess it does bother me... but just a little bit." She sounds like it bothers her way more than just a little bit.

Sylphiette takes off her glasses, putting her on a table. She then walks and sits besides Ariel, on her bed. "Princess... you're totally jealous aren't you?" The blonde's eyes widen in shock. "It's okay, no one is mad at you for it..." I'm more mad about the whole fake meeting thing.

Ariel looks down. "But how can I ask for something like exclusivity when I'm... you know... me?" Is this about the past cheating again? What a pain. "And now I can't help, but get mad that he rejected me, and then went and showed up with a sex slave of all things." What? You wanna become one too?

Sylphiette giggles. "That's perfectly normal! And you didn't cheat on him Ariel, you two were not together...!" She pauses for a moment. "He's the first man you like, so it's natural you want him only for yourself." The elf looks up. "But sometimes a man... he has lusts you know? I know Rudeus will cheat on me one day, but I'll forgive him when he does." That's...

Hilarious, I can't help, but let out a snort. "Hah! Sometimes you're kind of scary with how forgiving you can be Sylphiette. And also stupid, mostly stupid." I don't doubt the Quagmire would cheat on someone, but clearly this is way too much!

Sylphie immediately goes red on the face. "I-It's not stupid! It's not! It's just that I grew up with Rudeus, so I know how pathetic he can be! So I'm expecting his pathethicness!" You wanna rephrase that? If the Quagmire heard you, he would cry.

Ariel begins laughing. "You know what Sylphie...? Just keep doing your thing." I'm glad this conversation has shifted into bullying Sylphiette. It's how things should be.

The elf pouts and crosses her arms. "Whatever... I'll have a happy life with Rudeus. I... I definitely will." Here's hoping!


"What... what am I watching right now?" Well, if nothing else I found Aqua, and it turns out she wasn't even in a bar. Instead she's in the middle of some random street my party started to walk by.

A man to my side cries, he doesn't even bother to look at me. "You're watching the creation of a beautiful art piece young man...! Feast your eyes, because those magician suckers could never do something so great!" They probably could do.

I have to say, it's impressive in a way, how Aqua is currently building a giant statue of me who is bridal carrying a giant statue of her. Really, it's amazing that she can pull that off while using... I don't know what exact materials she using, but they look like they were taken from a dumpster.

Sadly whatever artistic appreciation I may have for her talents, is by killed by the embarrassment of seeing someone make a statue of me bridal carrying someone...! And the worst part is that there's a whole ass crowd watching her work too!

No, the worst part is probably the brown haired young man who's waving a hat around. "Anyone wanna donate!? It's for charity!" I have seen him before, that's Kazuma Satou, and the worst part is that he is seemingly making bank.

Specially as a well dressed man walks forward, holding a bunch of coins in his hand. "Excuse me young man, but what exactly are you gonna do with our money...?" A sensible question.

Kazuma smiles. "I will use it for a good cause." That isn't an answer at all! And why is that man now smiling and dropping coins into your stupid hat!? Well, he is probably just awestruck by Aqua's artistic skills... That's a goddess for you, I guess.

I sigh, and look at my group. "Should we like... interrupt her...?" Why is she even making a statue of me in the first place!? I mean, I'm flattered and all, but surely this is too much even for soulmates!

Darkness shakes her head. "I do not believe it would be a good idea my master." Don't call me that in public. "The crowd seems quite... enthralled by Aqua's display, they might get mad at us if we stop it." She nods to herself. "Yes, it is wiser to wait, even if I would protect you with all I have." I see...

Then I probably will wait, I guess. Darkness is a Emperor-Ranked fighter, so I doubt I would actually get hurt here, but... What I don't doubt is that normal people would, there's no reason to put everyone at risk. 

Megumin gasps. "You don't wanna get attacked by dozens of people at once Darkness...!? Are you okay!?" Yes. This is the natural way someone should react to something like this my loli soulmate.

Darkness pouts. "Well, I'm Subaru's toilet, so it would be cheating." Yes, there's also that... You know what, I won't even say something snarky in response, please keep up that attitude Lalatina.

Eris stomps on the floor. "Who cares about Darkness' weird tastes!?" Of course you wouldn't mind them, you dated Rudeus of all people. "What's important right now is that this weirdo is making weird statues of my boyfriend...!" Ah, I guess that would be an issue.

Lalatina nods. "Indeed, how dares another woman try to homewreck this perfect household!" How did you say that without laughing? "I will not allow any threats to my master's love life! Much like a dog, I shall bite!" You just had to sneak in a animal comment didn't you?

Megumin raises an eyebrow. "Aren't you and Eris the homewreckers in this case? Aqua did say Subaru was her boyfriend..." That's just soulmate stuff messing her mind... Honestly it makes me feel kind of bad.

I owe a lot to the blue haired goddess who is currently building a embarassing statue of me, and not because of her contributions to the art community. It's mostly because she's the reason why I am alive at all.

Still, even if I'm grateful for her help, that doesn't mean I'm about to cheat on Eris. So this goddess will just have to accept that no amount of statues will win my heart. And as we all know, gods are known to be very understanding people.

Eris glares at the mage. "I'm not the homewrecker here! That's Subaru...!" Ah, that's true! I completely forgot that! "And... and I'm not letting some crazy woman who might or might not be a goddess get in the way of my true love!" She nods to herself. "I was training for a much tougher fight than this one anyways!" Please don't talk like you're about to fight her...

I'm now glad neither Aqua or Kazuma have noticed us among the crowd, because I have a feeling things will escalate to violence in less than a second once blue ranger and red ranger over here talk with each other.

Nina interjects with a yawn. "This is boring. Are we really gonna wait here and bicker until this girl finishes her statue? It's gonna take ages..." True, finishing something so elaborate should take days... weeks maybe... I have no idea.

So the fact that Aqua already got so far in just the hours she has stayed on this city is already super crazy. I suppose when you have hundreds of thousands of years to pratice a skill you surpass human limits.

Suddenly Nina takes a step back in shock. "What the hell!? She finished it already!?" Hah!? There's no way...!

But just like Nina said, by turning my attention back to Aqua, I can clearly see that she finished the statue while were busy watching. Just how fast is she!? This is surely way beyond people who have surpassed human limits!

I can't help, but point at the statue and shout as loud as I can. "How did you finish it so fast!?" To be honest I expect my scream to go unheard, the crowd is really loud after all, and so we have been screaming without a care from the beginning.

However, Aqua actually ends up listening to it, even if she doesn't even turn around to acknowledge. "Sometimes inspiration just hits, and things end up going super fast!" She seems to be proudly staring at her work.

She turns around to look at the brown haired adventurer. "Okay Kazuma, that's number twenty eight! Let's aim for at least two more!" What do you mean with that number!? Are there multiple Subaru statues around now!?

To my surprise Kazuma actually bows. "Yes Lady Aqua...!" His expression constantly shifts between despair and happiness as he looks to Aqua and then to the coins he's holding. "That said..." Suddenly a dark grin appears on his face.

It's a grin I recognize, one I have done before. It's the type of expression that screams I'm suffering and so should you. That's why I immediately brace myself for something awful, a shiver running down my spine.

He points at me. "Aqua...! Look just who decided to show up!" No! He's giving the game away...! Actually this isn't too bad, our plan was to get their attention once the statue was finished after all.

The goddess finally sees me. "Huh...?" And then slowly a big smile appears on her face. "So the statues did draw your attention!" Well, yeah, it's kind of impossible for me to not eventually notice.

Ah, I can only hope the city is okay with them, because I'm pretty sure you need permission to do something like this. I wonder if by tomorrow all those beautiful Subaru Natsuki's will be dead and forgotten.

As the crowd looks on, Aqua dashes towards my direction. "It's so wonderful to see you again!" She basically jumps on me, enveloping me in a tight hug. To be honest, I almost fall down to the ground, but thankfully I manage to dodge that embarrassing situation.

I can hear whispering from the crowd. "Hey... isn't that the guy from the statue...? So this was all some weird couple thing!?" We aren't a couple at all. Seriously please control yourself before my actual girlfriend punches you.

Besides, what kind of girlfriend makes twenty eight statues of her lover!? I understand something like love can inspire art, but surely we can all agree that this is too much...! If this keep on soon Sharia will become the city of Subaru Natsuki's!

I don't know if I really should hug Aqua back, so I just mostly stand still. "Yeah... thanks for saving me back there." Besides, my attention is mostly focused on a giggling Kazuma. Why is he enjoying the attention I'm receiving...? Is this the legendary cuck!? Probably not.

Aqua's hug gets even tighter. "No worries! I can't let Eris have you! I don't wanna send my followers to start a war against the Eris Order after all!" What's that supposed to mean!? "Ah... the bloodshed would be straight out of something like God of War..." How do you even know to reference something like that!?

Suddenly Aqua is pulled back by my very pissed off girlfriend. "I will be the one starting bloodshed if you don't back off...!" Wait, she's talking about the goddess, not you! Well, she's still trying to cuck you, I guess.

Aqua raises an eyebrow. "Hah...? And who are you...?" But then she notices the rest of our party. "Megumin! Darkness! We found you guys...!" Were you even looking for them!? Because it didn't seem that way to me!

Megumin waves at her. "Hey Aqua! By the way Darkness became Subaru's sex slave." Don't drop a bomb like that out of nowhere!

Darkness also waves at her, a lewd grin on her face. "It's good to see you again Aqua! By the way, I became Subaru's sex slave!" How did you survive such a shameless existence until now!?

While Aqua's eye twitches, Kazuma comes dashing in. "What the hell do you mean you became a sex slave!?" Sorry she belongs to me now...! Nah, my NTR man can't get satisfaction from you, since I don't know your relation with her.

Darkness puffs her chest. "Well, I was given an opportunity and took it!" She then awkwardly scratches her head. "Ah, sorry if you wanted me Kazuma, but you know how it is, you snooze you lose..." I don't think that phrase has ever been used to in relation to sex slavery before.

The brown haired adventurer stomps the ground in anger. "Who cares about you!? I just don't wanna set off the walking apocalypse we carry around!" Why do you carry something so scary like that!? 

Suddenly I can't breathe. "Darkness... you...!" I can't breathe because Aqua is releasing surreal amounts of mana, it makes her look like a Dragon Ball character who is flexing their power level.

However, Darkness doesn't react scared at all. "Yes...?" Seriously, please at least stutter out of fear or something! Aqua's sheer presence is enough to make me stop breathing, so why are you acting like this is normal?

The goddess crosses her arms. "Why did you become my lover's sex slave...? You better have a good answer, or you're going to hell by the way." Are you blaming her for her sex slavery!? Shouldn't you be asking that to me!?

Darkness shrugs. "It's a long story. I woke up in their bed, pissed myself... then Eris and Subaru made me into a sex slave!" She raises a clenched fist. "Best moment of my life really." You have a sad life.

For a moment there is silence. Eventually Kazuma turns around. "Okay everyone! Please don't forget how to swim!" And then he starts running away from the scene. His words don't inspire confidence...

Aqua raises her hands. "Let's drink plenty of alcohol in heaven Subaru!" For some reason I instinctively look up, and then I see it... Clouds are forming in the sky, it seems a big storm will be coming...

Megumin, having more common sense than Darkness realizes the situation she's in. "H-hey, wait a minute Aqua! Are you sure your statues are gonna survive this!? They're made from stuff you found wandering around right!?" The poor girl desperately tries a charisma check.

It fails. "It's fine Megumin! My statues will live on forever! Well... not forever, but probably around three thousand years. So they can definitely tank a little rain! I'm a goddess of arts and crafts after all!" Ah, that's reassuring... Art should live on!

Rain starts falling, for a day that was clean and sunny until now... This is way too scary! Even the crowd who was just silently watching until now are nervously looking up... Though I don't know if they realize Aqua is the cause of it.

And that rain is getting worse and worse... It is as I thought before, a goddess in love is way too dangerous. That said, the words of another god are now coming back to me... That if I should ever find myself in a unwinnable situation, I should call for Satella...

No, this situation is not a total defeat yet, I just have to convince this goddess that destroying the town over a little issue like sexual slavery isn't worth it! Which is why I begin to shout. "Hey Aqua, stop that! Seriously!" Sadly, I don't have any actual good arguments to turn this into my favor.

She smiles towards my direction. "Geez, don't worry Subaru! Drowning isn't too bad...!" She suddenly blushes and looks away. "If it's too scary for you, we can hold hands while we go meet our end!" You're scarier than drowning!

However, to my surprise, suddenly Aqua stops. Probably because she just got punched in the face, and so she falls to the ground. The punch was courtesy of Eris by the way, who is glaring at the downed goddess. "You wanna fight!? Then we are gonna fight!" Of course she wouldn't stay silent...

And speaking of people who won't stay silent, Nina has slowly drawn her sword from her sheath. "Okay, fighting a goddess...! I can definitely do that...!" To my surprise the usually confident woman is trembling.

I guess even for people like her, the amount of mana Aqua released was insane. Even Megumin's previous display can't compare... which is why I'm infinitely worried now that Eris has escalated things further... Then again, I'm pretty sure Aqua was about to start an end of the world event, so can someone actually escalate from that?

Still, I can't help, but worried look on to the downed Aqua, as she glares at Eris and then... "Ah...! Subaru help me! This nutjob just punched me!" Starts crying her heart out. What did I expect from this party?

My eye twitches. "That nutjob is my girlfriend. Also, I want a soul divorce." I don't know if that's something that actually exists, but whatever. Also, I don't think Aqua even knows I know about the soulmate stuff.

Somehow Aqua starts crying even harder. "No...! I'm not letting you get soul divorced! Take me back to four hundred thousand years ago when that was illegal, and soulmates had no legal protections from their gods!" Yep, I definitely want a soul divorce.

Nina slowly walks over to the crying goddess... and kicks her. "This is for making me almost piss myself." She walks away. She walks back to Aqua and kicks her again. "This is for ruining my expectations." She walks away again.

As Aqua has a mental breakdown, Megumin smiles. "Now this is the Aqua I know!" Why do you look so happy!?

Darkness nods. "Indeed, she was scary there for a moment. It almost made me forget she's even worse than Kazuma sometimes." Don't even talk about that guy. He ran away to the hills at the first sight of trouble... Talk about heroism...

Aqua slowly gets up, and then points at Eris. "Who even are you anyways!?" Shouldn't you also question Nina? She did kick you multiple times... Don't tell me you are used to being treated like that...

Eris smiles. "I'm Eris Greyrat! Subaru's girlfriend...! That's why you should leave us alone already, before I cut you down!" I wanna agree with that, but we did come all this way just to look for her in the first place...

Aqua's lips tremble. "N-no way...!" For some reason her expression reminds me of Cuckmire... Probably because in her perspective, she's getting cucked right now. "This can't be happening to me! I cannot be the first goddess ever to have her soulmate stolen! Being kicked out from heaven was already bad enough...!" Ah, now I'm sort of feeling bad.

However, I'm not the only one who feels bad... The crowd surrounding us is glaring at me. It's actually making me sort of nervous, so I start getting closer to Darkness, since she's the master of a defensive style.

And I only get more and more nervous as time goes on, and people start to whisper. "Hey... isn't this kind of cruel? That guy was double timing his artist girlfriend... and now she's crying and getting beat up..." I swear there's a reasonable explanation for this! In fact we just saved your lives!

Another man nods. "Yeah, and I think she's mentally ill too... Talking about soulmates and stuff... This is way too cruel right? Who the hell does this guy think he is?" I know I'm worthless, don't worry!

I can hear an irritated snarl from the crowd. "Not only that, but he also bought a sex slave!? And he showed up with a second girlfriend...! This guy is total scum!" True, but please be aware that so is Aqua.

I can even hear a man crying. "That woman...! That woman is a priest that was healing the sick earlier! Shit, she even gave me back my arm...! And now they're treating her like she's Satella incarnate!" We really aren't...!

Suddenly Aqua stops crying. "Hoh...?" I can almost see a lightbulb appearing on top of her head, and that alone is enough to make my body tremble in fear. I can only hope this won't be my second death.

The goddess starts crying again, though to anyone with brains, it's obviously that this time it's fake. "Wah...! That dumb red haired bimbo and that stupid blonde Eris worshiper stole my boyfriend! Now I'm gonna drown myself in alchoholism to survive this cruel world!"

Megumin flinches back. "You already do that tough!" Please don't give the crowd even more information that they don't need...!

It isn't long before one of them members of the crowd rushes at me, trying to land a punch right in my face while screaming. I will admit that I freeze up, the thought of using what Eris has taught me to defend myself does run through my mind, but that would mean cutting someone down...

Thankfully, the man is stopped by Darkness, who is now griping the man's fist with her own hand. "My apologies, but I cannot allow any harm to come to this man." For once she doesn't actually say anything pervy.

Eris grits her teeth and takes one step forward... And then suddenly it's like Aqua's release of mana all over again, but a thousand times worse. "Okay! Bloodshed it is...!" I'm scared of even thinking.

And so is the crowd, who all either pass out or run away, and while I stay unmoving, Nina makes her way to my side, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down... This is just a trick Eris learned from her teacher." It's a scary trick!

After some time passes, I can breathe again, so first I do the most important thing that needs to be done. "Thanks Eris, you really saved me just now." I thank my girlfriend of course.

She smiles. "Don't worry Subaru! I'll always be there to help you!" I really don't doubt that. "Now... what should we do about this idiot?" She points at the confused Aqua. Why does she look so lost anyways?

It's like she can't understand why people ran... I see, she probably didn't even feel Eris' bloodlust or whatever. She is a goddess after all, and her party members who are in theory inferior, seem to be doing much better.

I look towards her, and she immediately starts crying again. "I'm sorry! Please don't leave me! I thought they were gonna attack your girlfriend and my friend! Not you...!" And now you're conveniently forgetting you tried to drown me...

I sigh. "Let's just find Kazuma already, I wanna go home..." I'm not built for dealing with goddesses, at least that has been made very clear to me. Thankfully Goderis doesn't actually seem that problematic...

The goddess rushes by my side, trying to hug me again... But she trips and falls, yeah, Goderis is pretty nice. "Please forgive me Subaru...! I swear I won't do bad things again!" I have a feeling you will be breaking that promise.

I walk towards and crouch down. "Sure, this time I'll let it pass, since you saved my life." And then I start to pat her head. I did say before that I owe her an insane debt, so I guess I might as well start to pay it now...

She hugs me again, this time dragging me to the ground with her. "I promise you won't regret it...! I'll heal you everytime you need it...! And I will... I will revolutionize this world's art with stuff made inspired by you!" Please don't. I don't wanna become the Mona Lisa.

She continues. "We can... we can even do it that way! But just the tip, 'cause if you actually finish inside I stop being a goddess." My girlfriend is right there! So please don't shift the topic towards that!

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean you stop being a goddess?" Now that I think about it, she did say sex was forbidden before... And that the backdoor was available. I hope it still is...! I have a girlfriend damn it!

She sighs. "Well, if a goddess has sex she stops being a goddess because heaven is full of prudes... or more accurately gods who haven't found their soulmates yet." She nods to herself. "It actually used to be worse you know? Just having lewd thoughts is enough to lower our divine aura... But nowadays a bunch of those restrictions don't apply anymore." But they still don't let it the normal way...?

Aqua smiles. "By the way, the reason things changed is that a bunch of gods started a revolution for soulmates rights. For the longest time they were losing, but eventually they got the lead, planted a few divine bombs in a few divine cars, the Red Car God got publically executed... gruesome stuff!" I didn't need that information!

She looks me in that eye. "That is to say... We gods are willing to go to war over our soulmates. Don't forget that." I wish I could forget that! It's scary information!

I can hear Eris sighing. "I'm gonna need to start sleeping with one eye open, won't I?" I'm sorry!

That said, we barely sleep anyways. Sex freak.


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