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Finally, all the sketches are done!! The place-holder dialogue is still there sure, but hey one thing at a time!! Now, time to refine and FINISH this bitch of an experiment XDD

And yes it'll be a digital comic in the style of the artist Balak. XD

Comment and Enjoy ^ ^




I FUCKING LOVE SEXY FIGHTING! This is going to be epically hot and beautifully glorious! Thank you so very much my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug*

WereWolf720 Tony

Can't wait to see the end, it look slike there's gonna be more than just Tails disappearing. Also it's understandable that you have a lot more in your agenda. Remember to take some breaks to let your wrists and hands rest a little and maybe brainstorm some possible ideas. Don't worry about the uploads, most of us that are here had been following for a long while, and it's not like we are expecting a whole lot of your drawings by a monthly basis. Also good luck with your other projects! if it's possible, i would like to know what are them or how to access that content (emphasis in *if*)


Balak is the goat. Don't blame you for mimicking his style. 😉👌


Oooo oh boy, this is gonna be big, looking forward to this, but don't push yourself too hard, and keep up the good work!


Looking forward to this comic. These thumbnail/rough sketches are great and useful for study.