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Soooo yeah, Kris was never small. Noelle there is proof of that. Susie's just HUGE!!

Comment and Enjoy ^ ^



Timewarps Art

Noelle wants in but gets too scared to ask


Ah yes. ANother big bootylicious thicc goddess has entered the fray and I must say I fucking love her design, cute shy sexy with a big booty and thicc thighs. As always Susie is delightfully sexy thiccbuff dino goddess of hotness and Kris looks like he is thinking, "Oh gods Susie is going to get Noella to do a threesome with us again and I just got a new bed." Seriously they all look amazing Susie and Noelle as sexy thicc perfection. Thank you so very much my god emperor of awesomeness friend! *yetihug*


Oh She is in already but is just worried since Susie will take her anywhere at anytime and Kris will help.

Timewarps Art

Nah she’d probably be into that they just make sure it’s not public because she may make too much noise and get them all in trouble