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FINALLY!! IT'S ALL DONE. Now it's time for the inks, colors, shading and....everything else. Wish me luck.

Also, feedback is always appreciated XDD

Comment and Enjoy ^ ^




If you had Cash App, I donate alot more...

Matt R

Looks fantastic

WereWolf720 Tony

Can't wait for the coloring, might aswell upscale the RES so you can have more space for the dialogue. Really good mini comic mate

Stone Quillian III

Looks awesome. Super awesome. I wonder what the next Dipper Pacifica comic will have? Time Travel, Slime monsters eating their clothes and unleashing aphrodisia, alien abduction? Or the infamous threesome with Dipper, Pacifica, or either Wendy or Candy.


OH MY GOOD FUCKING GODS I FUCKING LOVE THIS SEXY GORGEOUS LOVE HEARTWARMING TALE MASTERPIECE OF PURE FLAWLESS PERFECTION SO FUCKING MUCH! Seriously my god emperor of awesomeness friend now seeing 5he lining I have to say that you have out done yourself! Bravo! Bravo and well done! I can't wait for the finished version of the extraordinary work of art! *yetihug*


Did they clean up that mess or did she have some servants do it?

Herald Hearth

Why can't I like this more than once?


Come to think of it, you rarely draw your characters completely naked. I think it really works here, showing just how intimate and precious this “first” time really is for them. And since you don’t do it too often, it makes it kind of... special here. It emphasizes how close they feel, both physically and emotionally.