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A Robotic Spy and Replica of a real person from Tails' childhood, slipped into a prison near the area Sonic's resistance seems to operate. All for Robotnik to do now is just wait and hope the spy can sabotage the cursed Resistance.
And it worked. She was "rescued" and taken to the Knothole base to relay what she'd experience. Really any information would do. Tails was so glad to someone from his home still alive..... that is until he, on accident got a fact from their childhood wrong and she didn't correct him. He did it intentionally a few more times after that. Practically each time she did the same. Played along. Let's just say that Tails' suspicions were raised high.
Later on, he approached her all cordial like when she was alone... and slapped an EMP on the back of her neck, knocking out the robot. He reactivated her in restraints with Amy present as well and, as cold as ice, he lied down the rules.
"I will remove the restraints and you will continue on as if nothing happened" he says, not wanting Robotnik to find out to soon that his plan failed. "But make no mistake. Step out of line or even think of doing anything that might jeopardize anyone here, and I will dismantle you without deactivation." She agreed reluctantly and was released.
Later on, after finding out anything useful about her that he could, Tails deactivated her and used her for spare parts, sick of looking at this perversion of the only person in his youth outside his family that showed interest in his aspirations and didn't see him as a freak or a weirdo.  

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Fucking Brilliant amazing and kickass story with and beautiful sexy foxy goddess masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend! Thank you so very much! *yetihug*

Stone Quillian III

Awesome backstory. I hope to see more of her later on with Rouge and Tails