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The panels and dialogue have been arranged. Took me so loooong. I have no idea why. But after this, things are hopefully gonna go easier XDD

Comment and Enjoy ^ ^



Matt R

Looks very promising based on these sketches


Oh This... This is beautiful. It is a beautiful heartwarming and sexy tale of love and I for one fully support this and consider this canon in the show. You did an amazing and beautifully great good with the sketch BD! I can't wait to see the finished version! Thank you so very much for all of your hard work my god emperor of awesomeness friend! *yetihug*


Something so sexy should not also be so cute. The way things played out, I wonder how much of a lasting infuence being possessed by the ghostly couple had on Dip 'n Paz. They seem to have retained a bit of the boldness and lovey-doveyness of their specters. Either way, good stuff.


This is gonna be amazing

Radical Dog

Are you ever gonna do a comic about Rouge and Tails?


Ah, so did Paz seize her parent’s business and wealth? Or was she in Fiddleford’s will? Not exactly relevant, I know, but I’m curious. Funny enough, the writers point out in the Northwest Mansion Mystery commentary that Pacifica brings out Dipper’s confidence. So, you’re pretty on the money with the characterization.


Fiddleford gave her the manor and his fortune upon his death... and her alone cause she's not like her parents.