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Hi everyone!

Hope this devlog finds you well! Over here spring is around the corner. Flowers are just starting to bloom, birds are chirping, the sun is getting warmer. Basically, nature is lubing up and everyone and everything is getting ready to Get. It. On!

Spring is my favorite time of the year and the perfect time to work on a lewd game. :3

Also it is Null's birthday and he wanted to share some of his birthday cake with you all!

Kaha Fight #1 Experimental Build

We've published a new Preview Build for patrons. It's barebones debug version of the boss fight we've been working on and that will be a part of the upcoming Patreon Build!

You can grab it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kincaid-build-1-98951955

Splish Splash~

Some water fall designs I made! We're trying them out in game and see which ones fit best into the jungle. I'm leaning towards the ones on the right!

Caves Background

We didn't have a dedicated background yet for underground areas so I made a small repeatable backdrop that goes behind the backwall layer.

CG Progress

Reydam is hard at work on the upcoming CG! A very nice gentleman is helping Kincaid out deciphering what's been written on a certain obelisk at the mountain side.

Haven and Character Design Session

Aside from work that is featured directly in the build, we also continued working on the hub area we've been talking about in previous post.

We're using the environment art Fabian made to make mockup levels and will it with some placeholder NPCs to work on a "playable moodboard".

It helps us develop the world further, fill it out with characters and iterate towards at least close to the vibe we had in mind when we came up with the concept.

We will also release it as another Experimental Build!

Scappo gave me the idea for a marten janitor! And a bunch of military type wolves.

Who is this handsome boyo on the right??

Bunny had the idea of a megane type guy who zooms around on a self-balancing scooter and I thought my lanky giraffe guy was a great fit for him. xD

A tour guy waiting for new arrivals to Haven at the starport.

Shady business guys and a giraffe doctor?

The Goo Daltons??

Some ideas for aquatic species in suits. The jelly fish pulses and glows when it talks!

The suits have a feeding mechanism that periodically goes off.

The electric eels power their own suits and steer them with shocks.

Some scooter ideas!

I wanted to draw a sprite of Koeki,  my science panda boio I came up with for our scrapped JRPG with the working title "Misfits".

A gobbo punk rock band and a cute chubby walrus guy. He is either a fan or their drummer! I kinda like the idea of a chubby shy guy being the sole male member in an otherwise girl rock band!

A skunk checking out some dragon-born type characters. I guess it is Garrus' dragonborn half-brother? I admit I really really love his space suit design. >////<

What's their deal?? I don't know (yet)!

Wrapping up the Build

The big chunks we had planned for the build are coming together and we're divvying up our time between polishing it and working on those longer-term things.

We didn't get around to working more on the audio side of things and we're considering hiring additional help in that department.

Until next time!
Cookie & Bunny

Overall Status Report

Upcoming Build Tasks

  • Kaha Boss Fight #1
  • Visual Polish
  • New CG

Long-term Projects

  • Soundtrack: New Soundtrack Additions
  • Haven: Working on backgrounds and props




Look epic


So awesome! Also, such cute art!