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Hi everyone!

Here's another delicious cookie from my Cookie Jar. Before Kincaid took off, Null was on the team, too and I helped out with some writing and art! ^w^

Hunt and Snare

Hi everyfluff!

This is Cookiebunny spea- wait, I mean, this is Ruffledraggy speaking through Nullneck, wait, who am I? Oh, Ruffleneck? Okay okay! Hi! I am Ruffleneck, developer of a furry NSFW game called Hunt and Snare, and I'm here to share our game with you amazing fluffs!

You can find our game Hunt and Snare on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/rufflenecks <3

So, what is Hunt and Snare? It is an adults-only adventure and (s)exploration game presented from a third person view, in fully animated 3D graphics style. Player is a recently joined member of the Guild of Wild Hunters, an organization sponsored by the local Regent to find and cure Wild Bred, and bring them to society.

Current feature checklist:

  • Four playable and extensively customizable species (cats, dogs, lizards/dragons, and foxes) with fifth right around the corner (hares) each with a dozen custom colorable patterns and tail options!
  • Dozens of NPCs with fully animated and written multistage acts, and a hundred different one stage acts with randomly generated characters.
  • RPG-like looting and inventory system with equipable clothes and accessories along with various stores to purchase items from.
  • Two large openworld islands to explore, and third one coming soon <3

(Don’t worry, it is loaded with happiness (and a dart with the cure) <3)

Player can hunt to cure various species in the game, and recruit them to their crew as minor NPCs that can follow you around and you can have acts with, or you can claim a monetary commission from each Wild Bred you cure to purchase new items with ^^

(The player’s ship The Unnamed, a legendary frigate with an unfortunate naming mishap that is unsolvable due to rigid bureaucracy of the archipelago)

You can travel between islands, currently it is just a simplified event between islands, but later on it will have a top down world map sailing gameplay. The islands you can currently visit are the beginning island of Skiia, a cold temperate island with felines and canines, and Kizan, a below the ocean level jungle island surrounded by waterfalls that lizards call home. In the upcoming build comes Iskaai, a cold northern island with hares ^^

(Jungle island of Kizan. No game is complete without burning bright morning sun and giant waterfalls!)

Hunt and Snare is very NPC driven, and there is a fully fledged dialogue system and written multistage acts with various NPCs in the world :3

(Ship’s cook and quite a sucker too!)

In dialogue you have multiple options and branching dialogue and your options affect opinion of NPCs which can result in better prices for traders, and acts with others <3

(Local gunsmith you’ll meet early on, she is a very horny… uh, in a few different ways)

(A cat on the fence, and besides being perfect, she also sells lingerie!)

(Spooky! Well not really, he is a nice horny cat… uhm, in a few different wayssss?)

(Couple of NPCs playing a familiar board game at local tavern <3)

(Character creator :3)

The extensive character creator allows you to adjust various morphers to change how body or head looks, select from species specific patterns, and change colors of pretty much any of the character parts ^^

Hunt and Snare is in active development and awesome things are coming! I hope you like what you’ve seen, and take a closer look to our project :3

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rufflenecks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HuntAndSnare

Discord: https://discord.gg/6YJEegu

Thank you very much!

With luv <3





Love Hunt and Snare. Such a pretty game, and fun. I come back every few months to check on updates


Ah this game. To be honest, for me it didn´t feel like a good game in my eyes, and thats mainly because for a roaming game were you can capture and have acts with them, it was not much action worthy stuff. From my last gameplay it felt like i was walking around and nothing much els. Sure the game has a nice idea to it, but the game itself is just about looking at npc´s having sex in different poses, with no impact on gameplay, orther then just to look pretty (and sexy?)