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Hi everyone!

It’s finally here! But before I go into the meat and potatoes of the release post I want to say...

A Big, Fat Thank You!!

Bunny and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and encouraging words during the past couple of weeks. Things have been very rough for us, but the encouragement from the community has helped us remain sane during this stressful time.

Without you I would have never dared to make a game of this scope! We love you! <3


Before you ask, this build does not contain new lewd content! If you just want to see new lewds, wait until the next one, because I just started working on the next scene. ^w~

But if you want to see the new art & levels and the overall direction we’re taking Kincaid, check this one out!

A lot has changed!

… and is in the process of changing.

We’re in the process of switching gears from pre-production to production and a lot of the work involves incorporating the new environment art and all the changes we’ve introduced in the recent Experimental Builds into the main game branch.

New resolution - Old resolution was too limiting and we got frustrated as we tried to introduce new enemies and mechanics. The bomb throwing and flying kobolds made this painfully obvious. We bit the bullet, knowing we’d have to rework a lot of the levels but we’re glad we did it!

All new environment art - Fabian did an amazing job! Styles are different but they work well together, resulting in more readable characters in the world. It was a big project and Fabian did an amazing job. The new tilesets look gorgeous and he touched up all of the Kobold Village to fit into the new style he is bringing to the table.

Reworking the world - Big art update and higher resolution/more visible area means that it’s finally time to rework the world from the ground up - and in this build we kicked off this process! I’ve talked about it in the past:

In the beginning of development we just kind of built the world around what we were making content and feature wise at the moment. But we’ve now reached a point where the foundation is there and we can look at it critically, take it apart and turn it into a game experience that makes more sense. This includes enemy placements, cutscenes and story beats and the order in which you acquire new abilities.

There was also a big imbalance in area sizes - the jungle was so tiny compared to the temple and even the caves/mines!

We took a step back, looked at our story and planned a world map for the planet.

Combat changes - Kincaid can do full air combos that give you some amount of air time. We want to introduce more flying enemies and this change should make it more fun to fight them. Also the combo has been made a little bit longer and faster.

Kincaid has some new movement options

  • Crawling
  • Ledge climbing
  • Hand over hand
  • Ziplines (Coming next build!)
  • Rail grinding (Coming soon!)

We put a big focus on making moving around the environment more fluid and fun!

Some minor Quality of Life things

Inputs are shown in the upper right corner for a moment. Going to the pause menu brings them back up.

Options for lewd sound effects - None, only plaps and stuff, Kincaid, Kincaid+Partner(s)

What's missing still

CGs - Since Kincaid initiates now they aren’t suitable for “Game Over” situations anymore. We’re going to find new homes for them and rewrite the intros to fit the new context.

Enemy placements are temporary still as the world is still getting expanded on and new minor enemies, critters and traps will be introduced in the coming builds!

Not all rooms have been fully decorated yet - so over the next 1-2 builds we are going to cement in the visual art style of the environments and biomes, including ambient sound effects and particles, etc. - Fabian’s art is so pretty and we want to make it shine!

Not all areas are done yet - You can play up to the village and enter the rift to see wolf and bear but all the quests have been marked completed for now.

Water pass - Old water doesn’t fit anymore and we’re working on a style that will work on all planets!

Rebindable input - Temporarily broken as we moved from GameMaker’s standard input system to a new, more robust one made by a third party. It’s more robust and supports a wider range of input devices from the get go and is kept up to date!

Save Games - Save system is not in this release yet as there are only 2 areas. Instead the main menu temporarily offers you different, convenient starting points. Don’t worry, your old saves remain and are playable with older builds still!

Fast Travel - The world has gotten very big and is only going to grow, so we’re going to introduce a fast travel system very soon.

No minimap yet - we’re going to completely redo the whole UI and part of that is the minimap. We’re moving away from a square based minimap to an area-based one.

No collectible abilities - They’ll get reintroduced of course - At the right spot, in the right order. For now we’ve given the player dash ability and blaster just to have some fun with it.



Love seeing the progress on this game - excited to see what else we're in for!

William Noble

Now the big question. Play on a verison where everything isn't redone, but can go far, or play on a verison where stuff is redone, but not got as far. Hm.


Play the old build first and then check out the new one to enjoy the new art and explore a new world ^^


love the evolutions, when did you think you will release the next update ??


Hard to say! We wanted to have it out by now, but covid and other stuff threw our schedule out of whack, so we're in the process of catching up to where we should be!


At some point we need a minigame where you can pet Kincaid, give her head scritches and belly rubs. Just chill and give her some love for her hard work. Speaking of you guys have some head pats for your hard work too. *pat pat*

Andrew Ebear

Question! My game starts up and prompts for (a) continue, (b) to exit, the game doesnt recognize my keyboard, but it does take input from the flight sticks Ive got hooked up. There doesnt seem to be an option to switch between controller and keyboard anymore, is that coming back? :3


You can switch back and forth between them! It automatically hotswaps between keyboard and controller and changes the input hints (Upper right corner, if you enter the pause menu)


Maybe you can try CAPSLOCK?


i still find myself missing the struggle mechanics, something about having to initiate vs letting it happen just feels like some magic is lost.


I can't wait for this game to come to steam!!! XD


Speedrun time.


With struggle bar removed it still feels off and well, you could say that my demo that I downloaded was misleading this way. Checked earlier comments and replies and I don't understand the reasoning behind it as even with struggle bar it was obvious that the result we get is well, consensual. Heck, it was even more fun (Christmas build) to plan your moves ahead in few places just so the grappling won't interrupt you, making it a bit more challenging. I won't be asking for a refund, I did have fun with both builds but that still is a dealbreaker so for me it ends on one-time support. Good luck though.


I just want to continue to echo the sentiment that the struggle bars removal is a mis-step in my opinion. While i can see the reasoning behind its removal, I think making it a setting you could toggle off or on would be far better than outright removal.