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I’m happy to bring you a new Experimental Build!

Build Focus

This Experimental Build focuses on the greyboxed new world layout. We thought it would be fun and interesting to show what the game looks like barebones and in the middle of the production of new levels.

Before we dress up levels, we spend a good amount of time just playing a skeleton version like this, jumping around, tweaking stuff until we think the room is interesting looking and fun to traverse.

Once we’re happy with the greyboxed version, we start dressing it up and adding stuff to it.

Aside from basic geometry, all rooms are mostly empty. All shortcuts are already unlocked, since there are no mechanics in the levels yet.

Aside from that, Kincaid also has some experimental abilities you can play around with. Right now she has a triple jump and her boots fire projectiles downwards if you jump mid-air. These are just some ideas we’ve been playing with and we thought we’d just leave them in there for you to play around with, instead of cutting them out for the experimental build. ^w^

There is also no mini map yet, so feel free to use the image below to orient yourself:

The starting room is marked with a green arrow.

As you can see, the new jungle area is huge compared to our old jungle world! The beginning area now consists of 35 rooms and most of them are also bigger than the old ones.

That means we’ve got the work cut out for us to fill these with interesting and fun stuff, and that’s what we’re working on next!

Upcoming Patron Build

For the upcoming build we’re going to dress up this greyboxed world and fill it with life! There will be new minor enemies and critters and everything is going to use the updated visuals that Fabian worked on during the past couple of months.

Updated Build Release Schedule

For the builds following the next release, we’re aiming to follow a bit of a faster release schedule than usual since we’ll be mainly focusing on making new rooms and filling them with life. There’s going to be new art for minor enemies, decorations, UI/HUD and stuff.

Our goal is to release one new build every month until we’ve caught up with the old version of Kincaid in terms of content.

Thank you so much for supporting the development of Kincaid!

Warm regards,
Cookie & Bunny


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