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Hi Space Adventurer!

This build is mostly a quality of life build and interaction on last month’s build. I added some artwork I wasn’t able to finish as well as new sound effects, fixes, polish and other tweaks. The complete details are in the changelog below! ^w^



  • Finalized sprites for the bear.
  • Finalized & touched up some of Kincaid’s cutscene sprites.
  • Kobold petal bomb has a proper explosion effect.
  • Sound effects for the bear (both combat + act).
  • Kobold orgy is back on the menu!
  • For lewd animations, players can now choose which kinds of sounds they wish to hear (or none at all).
  • Better animation controls within the game: You have now full control over the animation, including jumping back, forth, auto-progress and zoom.


  • You can no longer accidentally close the game by pressing the wrong button.
  • It’s made more clear when lewds can be started and when not and the small critters do not count towards enemies being closeby anymore.


  • Fixed a bug in the sunken temple area where two rooms would not connect properly.
  • Kincaid can no longer have some fun with the minions while the boss is still moving around.
  • Some wrong pixels in the lewd bear animation.


Storm Piña

what i did like was the game over but is okay i can see them still in gallery so


I think it should be a feature. it really destroyed the game to take that away. now it can just be a platform game with porn fanart really


agree 100%. I have public build that has the struggle bar. it should have been kept. I loved the concept

Chunky Gem

finally, public indecency with scalie frens


I'm new to the patreon but would it be a possability to bring back the struggle bar that is on the christmass release. sort of like a gamemode that you have to mash the keys in order to not get yiffed by the enemies that stun you.


Hey, thanks for the support! Unfortunately this is the system we're going to keep. We talked a bit about it in previous roundups but for various reasons we prefer to develop the game this way. I'd be happy to refund your money if it is not up your alley anymore, tho!


oh it's still up my alley alright- I was just hoping to get that feature back because it is more fun in my oppinion but I dont really mind.


I miss this feature. I liked the game because of this feature. The art is still amazing but it feels off to have to start all the engagements. :(((


Hello! Solid work as always, but I came back just recently and while I was pleasantly surprised to see Kincaid could initiate sex, a feature that I've wanted from the very start, I was rather bummed to realize that this was now the only way to get sex! I've sifted through patreon posts to find a reason why both that system and some kind of stun system to let enemies initiate too, like there was before, couldn't both be in the game and I really couldn't find one. I'm not sure I understand how it can be more difficult to design enemies around grapples, the stun-walkup-sex kind of thing you had until now seemed to work fine. The concern about making the game less rape-y isn't really there either, since it's pretty clear to me that the situations were that Kindcaid could esily escape the clutches of her frenemies, but decides to let them have their way with her because she wants it. Not really rape, there, so you wouldn't even have to design new animations for it, really. It just feels completely off, now. It wasn't that big of a bother on combat gameplay, and having it as a toggleable feature in the settings could easily solve that for people it bothers, but having that temptation of letting it happen, temptation Kincaid probably feels, was so thrilling to the game. The player was teased with every stun and grapple, having to decide between sex or keeping fighting. It's thrilling! Now it's kind of just a normal good platform game but where the player will almost completely avoid sexual content until he decides to take a wank break from gameplay and start the sex slideshow with a button press... It seems that this decision of having Kincaid starting the sex scenes only is final, but if it was the case I'd be really bummed... It just seems incredibly odd to me that you'd decide to remove an entire gameplay loop that's pretty much a staple of this genre, especially when you offered the rather unique twist of having it be still completely consensual, which was a welcome change from other games. I guess what I'm after is a reason why some kind of compromise can't be reached between the two, instead of being stuck with either one or the other... If anything, maybe it could be something like, when Kincaid is stunned, a cutscene similar to that of when she initiates could play, where she congratulates her oponent for being so strong and offers a reward, something like that? Seems pretty in character for her, and that way you could still use these CGs. I suppose a button to seduce enemies could be used to a similar effect.