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Hi everyone!

Important Note: Control Scheme is at the bottom of the post!

This is Glitchcaid 2, the successor to our previous Glitchcaid build!

As the previous Glitchcaid, this build is meant to gather feedback on new abilities and movement options we have been working on.

Since none of the actual in-game content is built around these abilities we made a few raw levels and packaged them into their own little mini adventure for you to enjoy! ^w~

On Difficulty

The levels in this build aren’t big but they are challenging. We made them a bit harder on purpose so you’re forced to really play with them and not just mess around a little bit.

Rest assured: The difficulty in this build is not reflective of what the desired difficulty in the actual Kincaid game is going to be.

New Abilities & Movement Options

Here’s the list of new abilities that you’ll find in this build:

Ledge Grab - We felt like the basic platformer was missing something. Barely missing a platform and falling down felt bad. We went back and forth on introducing walljumping that works everywhere and other options to help with that. In the end we decided to go with ledge grabbing/climbing. We thought it fits the type of levels we want to build a bit better.

Crawling - Only ducking felt a bit too slow and limiting so we decided to introduce crawling. It won’t be super slow tho, as not to interrupt the smooth flow of running & jumping. Together with the ledge grab it allows for far more interesting level design.

Hand-over-Hand Climbing

These mechanics only exist in code now, I haven’t done animations for any of them yet, so the footage looks a bit silly. xD

Reintroduced & reworked Hookshot - First introduced in our “Glitchcaid” demo but deemed unusable because of how little of the surrounding area the player can see. But since we’ve increased the resolution of the game it has become a viable option again!

Gliding - Kincaid’s boots can emit a powerful impulse that allows her to double jump. Now she can emit the energy continuously to allow her to glide down gently!

Rail Grinding - Kincaid can now use the forcefield of her boots to grind along rails at high speed! Cookie made the sprites for this over a year ago but like the hookshot, this mechanic also wasn’t feasible in the old resolution.

Reintroduced Downsmash - Another ability that was first introduced in the Glitchcaid demo. It used to be a charged melee attack. We made it easier to launch and brought it back into the overhaul version.

Reworked Dash & Dodge Roll - The dodge roll felt too sluggish compared to the dash. We brought both abilities closer together and made the roll feel more dynamic.

More Platforming Forgiveness - We added more small forgiveness tweaks like allowing Kincaid to jump up a platform if only a few pixels are missing for her to reach it! Nothing huge or groundbreaking, but makes the platforming experience even smoother overall.

Higher Resolution - We also changed the game’s resolution to better support faster movement speeds and more involved platforming.

Send us your Feedback!

How are you liking the new abilities? Please send us your thoughts and notes!

Important Note

This build is based on the overhaul version I have mentioned in my previous roundup ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/66500973 ) so a few things are broken or not yet finished.

For example, we’ve switched to a new input manager to better support all kinds of controllers. The conversion is not yet complete, so rebinding keys doesn’t work as of yet.

Here’s the default control scheme for playing this build:

Thanks for playing!
Cookie & Null


WaterFox 21

New movement mechanics, say less... (quickly download the build)

declon james

can't get pass the hookshot any advice?