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Sketch Packs

Hi everyone! ^w^

First of all, sorry for the lack of roundups the last two weeks. We’ve just been super focused on wrapping the build up. We had a covid case in our family as well, which threw our production schedule out of whack.

New Build is Out Now!

This builds adds a new quest including a lewd reward animation. It also introduces some new characters to the cast and delves into the first bits of story setup!

If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can read the changelog here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63973856

New Sketchpack uploaded!

The pack contains 69 concept sketches, sprites in various stages of completion and some small animations that are or will be used in cutscenes. ^w^

And before anyone asks… that number of files was a complete coincidence, I swear! xD

You can grab the sketchpack here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64070631

Art packs for Shower Scene and Toy Riding Scene have been updated!

A small update to these art packs was made. Since the scenes are now fully voiced in the recent build, I added a recording of them to the art packs for completion.

Until next week!
Cookie & Null




very good to see cant wait to play it! ill be sure to give a review of your guys amazing work so far!