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Sketch Packs

Hi everyone! ^w^

Animation Progress

If you want to see some progress GIFs of that, head over to my Twitter or check out the animation sketchpack I just put out:


Environment Art Progress

Work on the third biome of the next planet is progressing as well. The background of this area has been completed:

Boss Fight Progress

Null sketched out some attack patterns for the boss and we decided on a handful we want to use for this fight.

Here are some animations of them in action:

The next step is polishing each pattern and adding more variety to it and then putting everything into actual sequences and introducing a second phase as well as some cinematics to turn it into a well-rounded boss fight!

I’m hoping by the time the boss fight has been programmed I’ll be done with the current animation loop so I can seamlessly move over to making sprites for the fight!

Until next week!




The part where he's just spazzing out while bashing into the walls had me dying haha


about the only thing I'd add to the presented fight, is to put an extra frame between "wave ground punches" or whatever those end up being (the first attack). If some one was feeling gutsy, you probably could get a punch or shot in on the current timing, but he is the first boss, so it might be kind to give an extra bit of time to sneak the attacks in on that wave. I will say, him chucking a minion in while he recovers is an excellent idea - and not just from a "boss fight" perspective. The Red Chief (who I am assuming this is) hasn't gotten any screen time, and little characterization. This shows he's someone who will use and exploit his own people for his personal gain/safety, which in turn tells us a bit more about him without slowing the pacing at all. If, in the end, he really does only throw one guy in, it also shows he isn't paying attention, OR that he really doesn't care and is fine throwing a lamb to the slaughter (after all, Kinny has curbstomped 3-on-1 Tigers, if she's done the ruins). Conversely, if he throws more, he comes off as smarter, if no less ruthless. Alternatively, you can flag how many kobolds and tigers she's beaten, and throw out a variable number (a Kinny who has engaged in a very peaceful run gets a single kobold, because the chief has mistaken her kindness as weakness, but if she's taken out every enemy she's met, he's throwing in 4 (one of each type), because Kinny has proven she's a one woman wrecking machine). If you decide to do a Hard mode at some point, I'd change up the second section to include an RNG mix of boulder tossing and wave fists - something to REALLY mess with player's heads XD


Hahaha xD The actual attack is going to be a whirlwind animation. I'm just using old sketches and making do with them right now.


The attack patterns shown are just "sketches" right now! He's gonna throw in more stuff and we got some ideas for a Phase 2 as well. :3 But I'm glad you like where we're going with it so far!!

Nemesis N Nio

Heh the Round Up image is Awsome :D :9 : ) because Queen Kobolod n Kincaid Switched Outfits XD


You spin me right round baby, right round