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Hi Space Adventurer! ^w^

I'm excited to present you with the newest installment of Kincaid!

This one started out as a Quality of Life build, but as life would have it, Null's coding efforts took a little longer than he had anticipated and we decided to roll it together with a bunch of new content to make one bigger release.

Gecko Game Over CG + Sound Effects

The new CG set contains 8 variations and the story that goes along with it is almost 2800 words long (2798 to be exact)!

I also mentioned earlier that the build would release without sound effects for her, but our sound designer is a super star and he managed to deliver the new sounds way ahead of schedule!

The only thing missing still is Kincaid's climax - The sound effect got uploaded just as I started uploading the build to Patreon. xD

New Combat System

Another big chunk of work in this build is the new combat system. Null wrote it completely from scratch for a variety of reasons. We also added a bunch of extra polish to combat to make it feel better:

  • New punch and splat effects
  • New "swooshes"
  • Hitting enemies can knock them back
  • Defeated enemies get knocked back extra hard instead of just splatting to the floor like before.

Let us know what you think of the changes!

Next Planet Preview

The Glitchcaid Rift in the chambers of the Kobold Queen has reopened! It now leads to a little preview area to showcase some of the art for the next planet we've been working on!

There's also a new song added for this area as well!

Be sure to check it out!

Smaller Quality of Life Changes

In earlier builds of the game, when you hit your head it sent Kincaid flying down, making some jumps unnecessarily difficult.

Now, if you hit your head, Kincaid sticks to the ceiling for just a little bit, before starting to fall.

It's a subtle change but it makes managing some areas much easier and it just feels nicer.

That's the biggest changes so far! Be sure to check out the changelog for some minor things as well.

Have fun with the game!
Cookie & Bunny

2021.08 Hotfix Changelog


  • Fixed: Game crashes in some cases when you hit a "respawn hazard"
  • Fixed: You can jump out of the level if you go back to the wolf's encounter room
  • Fixed: Black screen at the start of the flight instructor scene (dialogue invisible)

2021.08 Changelog


  • Gecko Game Over Scene with 2798 words!
  • Gecko sound effects (gameplay & act)!
  • New Attack: Upper Cut!
  • New Music: Mystic Forest Theme!
  • New Area: Mystic Forest Preview Area (Accessible via the Glitchcaid Rift in the Treetop Palace)!
  • New punch effects, impact effects and attack swooshes!
  • New minor enemy: Will O Wisp!
  • Quality of Life addition 'Head Bump Forgiveness': When you bump your head on a ceiling at high speeds, Kincaid now sticks to the ceiling for a moment before falling down!


  • Completely overhauled the combat system.
  • Tigers have been rewritten from scratch. They're a bit more like relentless fighters now.
  • Sneak bush tigers have been removed (for now).
  • Flying insects now hurt you on touch.
  • The wolf has been moved to the new preview area.
  • Aerial forward attack has gotten a nerf.
  • You can only attack once per jump, but it resets on double jump.
  • Healing now consumes on use and is applied at the climax of the animation. If you get interrupted in between, the healing charge is lost.


  • Healing energy pellets circling Kincaid endlessly.
  • Wolf has updated attack boxes to be more fair.


Will of the Wisps

A Will O Wisp!? I didn't know I was in this game? lol


these cg scenes, are they triggered by losing to geckos? cause im still seeing the same gangbang as usual or am i missing something


Are you mixing it up with the kobolds? The geckos are a camouflage trap enemy. You hear a little giggle when you enter a screen where one is hiding. ^^


Spot on my mistake


how do i get to the treetop palace, the guard tells me until the spy has been found the lift is not usable


You should talk to the flight instructor first and foremost and help him out. ^^ Later the whole narrative will be fleshed out a bit more. As of now it is a bit directionless. Sorry about that!


i crushed game when play flight instructor scene j o j ... just black out...


I came back to the game after a while of not playing. Where can I encounter the wolf again?


He has been moved to the rift you can find in the village (treetop palace). If you play from a save where you have beaten him before he will not show up, tho.


Had so much fun with the free demo I couldn't help but jump in and support! So looking forward to checking out this latest build later! ^^

sean rheams

I have 2 bugs where i cannot use the minimap with gamepad and instead have to reach over and use the keyboard and the minimap doesn't work at all in the area with the dildo quest.

Draco Pendragon

Okay now i want to know how to double jump....xD

antonio kontos

i just wish the Combat wasent so punishing


Which parts do you have trouble with? Don't forget that you have the ability to heal yourself after defeating enemies ^^