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Hi everyone!

Here’s what bunny and I have been up to. ^w^

CG Progress Art and Writing

I’m almost done with the line art for the CG and started blocking in colors. Also Null has started drafting the story that will go together with the scene!

Environment Art Update

After a couple of tweaks and revisions, the environment art for the next area is entering the detailing phase now.

Wrapping up Refactoring

On the code side of things, Null is still working on taking the prototype code for the new combat stuff and cleaning it up to tie it properly into the game. This includes rewriting a bunch of the objects and enemies so they properly integrate with the new stuff.

Until next week!
Cookie & Bunny




*Excitement intensifies*

Kiba Snowpaw

looks dupe man. love the game btw.


Great progress, you two <3 Can't wait to see the CG ^u^


That looks all so awesome o.o




WooHoo Refactoring! Most underrated aspect of software development!