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Hi everyone! ^w^

Here's the newest build! The biggest new features are a complete overhaul of all the kobold sprites I have done so far (regular enemy, act, threesome), sound effects for the sabertooth tiger and sound effects for the flight instructor scene.

While working on the friendly kobold NPCs I have developed a new and cuter design for the kobolds and the enemy ones kinda stood out in a negative way, so I wanted to spend some time and bring them up to par. The new kobold enemies I am going to introduce with the upcoming build will also feature this new design. I think they look much cuter that way!

Oh, and I also added cum to the threesome! It was a bit too dry before, which always annoyed me a little bit. I'm glad I took a moment to add that little touch while I was at it!

Other than that, a big chunk of the work was on more bugfixing, refactoring and minor quality of life improvements from Null while I'm banging out the new enemies for the next major build!

Enjoy! ^w^



  • Sound effects for the tiger
  • Sound effects for the flight teacher scene


  • Kobolds have been updated to the new design
  • Kobold threesome is "juicier". ^w~


  • A game crashing bug with the respawn manager
  • Fast vertical movement messing up the parallax scrolling
  • Major refactoring of the cutscene system
  • Pausing/unpausing during respawning deals extra damage
  • A bunch of minor bug fixes



oh this is nice.


Okay The first time the Tigers growled I actually jumped.


Minor bug: There is an off-by-one error in the gallery for the Naughty Kobolds. When you wrap around from the beginning to the end of the scenes or vice-versa, you skip one scene. Nice build also!


Love it! the only small little thing i think might be a bit better is if the tiger unf had Kinny being 'louder'? the wolf sex scene, she's notably more vocal, and the tiger is a bit bigger than the wolf maybe?and maaaybe slow down the flip from when she's getting facelicks to getting turned over for the humpings.. aside from that it's awesome! keep it up!

Sebastian Yarrick

haha i found the shaman. She was very good hidden


Found a bug when continuing a game from the last build to this new one. The dildo parts. Climb is respawned, the short water dive after the minislime is respawned, and the minislime is back but when you go to get the other half, the game softlocks.


Oh thank you so much for narrowing that one down for me! Can you send me your save files? You can find them in this folder: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Kincaid_2_3


Found a bug, i don't know if it has been reported already (my bad if it has), but whenever i get downed by a kobold even thought theres one or two only around. the threesome sprite appears and the animation of it never triggers, so its just stuck in the one on one animation and the others are just standing and watching But the build is very fun! love it so far


Really add to my wishlist, absolut great job! ♥