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Hi everyone!

Sorry for the late roundup! I got caught up in a few things because it looks like we finally found a new place and might be moving next month. Fingers crossed! ^w^

Here's what I've been up to last week!

New Enemy:  Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon~

The next lewd enemy is in development and it will probably be the final lewd one for the jungle!

More New Enemies: Kobold Reinforcements!

I've teased at them before, but I finally got around to doing them: Kobolds with different gear! I shared a few ideas I had sketched out months ago and for the next build I finally want to do them as we are moving towards wrapping up work on the jungle planet. ^w^

I'm also using this opportunity to give the old kobolds, the very first enemy I ever did for Kincaid, a beauty pass, to bring them up to speed to the updated kobold design I came up with while working on the NPCs. ^w^

Oh and before you ask: I won't be doing unique sex animations for each of them. ^^;;

Here are some of the animations I made thus far:

Excited to show more soon!

Hotfix v3 under way

A few more obscure bugs have been reported and Null is working on hotfix v3!

Other than that bunny is doing another refactoring and polish pass over our code base and adding the AI for the new enemies! He also started working on the UI system we're going to use for things like pause menu, inventory screen, shops, etc. ^w^

Until next week!
Cookie & Null



i'm curious, will there ever be some lesbian sex scenes in the game? It'd be nice to see Kincade with a female kobold or even the queen




i wish the lizards have's futas <3