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Wishlist Kincaid on Steam: https://www.steam.pm/app/1277880 

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you should add something that shows what the button is for the map


I got every gallery memory but one in between werewolf and naughty villagers, can someone say were to find that one?

Cylianthe (Falkiveurr)

Hell yes! i was finally able to join the patreon! your godlike pixelcraftery is further boosted!


will this ever have breeding ?

i love gyros

i can't find the sabertooth. I did what i think is the main village quest (rescuing flight student). kinda at a dead end here.


There is a little signpost at the start of the screen. ^^ Basically, talk to the mason in the lower left corner and he will give you a quest that will lead you to them.


Outstanding game! Thank you guys for all the hard work; love the new build! P.S. could the wolf make another appearance later in the game? :)


Thank you! Yes, the wolf is more of a "preview enemy" at the moment. There will be plenty more on the next planet! ^^


I can say it over and over again, but this is really the best Patreon project I've ever saw so far. You keep your promises, you deliver such amazing things and the bonuses for Patreon user is just overwhelming. I like where this is going and I say "thank you so much" for all this hard work. You two earned every Penny.


Thank you from Siberia! One of the adored games for me now. I look forward to hearing more from you! Thank you!


Indeed, the game in this genre is the best! The hottest question is when is the full-fledged exit?


another game that I downloaded for obvious reasons and stayed for gameplay. great work guys


Saw this game for the first time ever as an FA advert today. Looking forward to when it's on steam so I can buy it. Hoping more people make platformers with some kinky stuff in them, if the sex animations are good that will be more than enough. Good luck on the game.


Of course, I hope your success inspires others as well. I've been very happy to start seeing these kinda games see full production. Good luck, keep up the great work.


After having been advised by a friend of mine to check the public demo I was blown away and I knew I had to support this project somehow :3 It is rare for a lewd game to balance well lewd and gameplay and I have to say the smoothness of the move set and the quality kinky parts really make this game worth supporting and waiting for its release. Best of luck with the game Cookiedraggy, I will be eagerly wait for the release in the future and support whenever I can :3


The banner for this post would almost be the perfect wallpaper haha, but the resolution


Bad is, Steam have Geo-blocked the Game for Germany. Yes, its 18+ but can`t see it in Steam ^^


Yes and please add some Save Spots and maybe Boost Items, actually its really hard to play. If you die you need 5 - 10 Minutes to the same Point ^^


Is there any chance that we could also add pull out animations? (animations of the animals pulling out after cumming) I understand that this would probably require a lot of work but I think that it would definitely be worth it! Also super hot.


Some of them already do, but I usually decide it on a per-animation basis if they are gonna cum inside and outside. I'm sure there will be more pulling out action in the future! ^^


It would be cool to do an intro of why kinkaid is on that planet before she get teleported