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Hi everyone! ^w^

Sorry for the late roundup this week, but I was focusing super hard on cleaning up and double checking all the loops for the tiger animations!

I just uploaded the completed pixel art pack for $25+ patrons, you can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46438372 

I already started work on the CG scenes and Null has been drafting the flavor text for them, so the build is getting closer and closer to being release ready! ^w~




So cute. I could imagine to meet one of those tigers in the space station later as a potential love interest. <3

Anon 26182

Now time for him is nothin' cuz he's counting no age


Beautiful 💋

Icarus Media

When asked about how good the sexual intercourse was afterwards she said 'it's Grrreat!'


Now we just need Wolfy Boy and Tony Tiger to get along just long enough to make a Kincaid Sandwich

Anon 26182

Would totally love a boss rush where you fight 2 bosses at a time until you've fought basically all of them, each having unique 3-way scenes and animations. That would take a good while to add though.


[Reads post title] [Quietly humming whilst reading]: Coming out of my cage And I've been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all...