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Tiger Poll Options

Here are the options that are available at the poll that is currently running over here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45834608 

Happy voting! ^w^

How I block in my jiggles

To get a convincing butt jiggle, I figure out a lot in the sketching phase already. The shading and everything is important, but I need to have a mental model of the force passing from one body over to the other in my head.

For that I use “water balloon” color blotches in my sketches:

You can see the pelvis of the tiger hitting her ass and the impact brings the balloon into motion. You can see the force of the thrust going over her bum and then rolling back in time for the next thrust to it.

It is really hard for me to put into words, but I hope the image together with my thought process gives you a better understanding of how I approach this art problem! ^w^


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