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Hi everyone!

We just released a new Experimental Build of Kincaid. The main content is a handful of test chambers to showcase the combat patterns of the sabertooth tiger. None of the lewd animations have been added yet. This build is purely to test his combat and see if it needs more tweaking!

The full release will come out in a bit, after I wrapped up work on the sex loop for the tiger! ^w^

If you're interested in this preview build, it is available for $25+ patrons here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45181366 

Cookie & Null



I had fun with this build 👌 only thing that i would say is im not sure how his bush mechanic works. In the last room i would consistently walk past it and he wouldn't jump out and i found myself actively staying put and turning away to bring out our shy friend, also i feel like his pounce should be shorter when he comes out of his bush cuz he flew over my head a couple times . His normal pounces are fine but i like the idea of a shorter initial one out of the bush as another way to have players that first run into him get taken by surprise but once they have they can bait him out and take care of him. You guys are doing fantastic ❤ cant wait to see him finished


Thanks for the feedback! I feel so too, the pounce from the bush needs to be way shorter. ^^ I was thinking people run past it (in normal levels at least), but it is probably more likely that the player is going to inspect a moving bush and staying close. I'm going to add a few different variants of bush surprises so it is not obvious it is gonna be a tiger each time. ;3