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Hi everyone!

Last week we published the new build! Obviously, most of the week was focused on wrapping everything up, dotting all i's and crossing all t's.

Even with thorough testing and and bugfixing towards the end, there was still a lot of bugs found already! So you can expect a hotfix soon. We also make the wording on the flight instructor quest more clear, and add a little bit of environmental storytelling so you don't have to look for the guy in the deepest depth of the temple anymore >_> Sorry about that!

If you haven't already, play the new build here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40173151 

Art-wise I started working on animations for the new abilities!

Thank you so much for your support, everyone! It truly means the world to us! We'll continue to work hard on Kincaid!

So upcoming is:

  • Hotfix with all the bugfixes and changes I mentioned above.
  • HTML5 build
  • Updated Public build following somewhat after the release of the Patreon web version

And then we'll enter the next build cycle!

Talk to you soon ^w^



Lunar Magic



We hope that the bug fixing will be successful! And good luck with your further work as well. Stay safe.


You're welcome but why did you slice the slime you know it's only gonna come back like the T-1000


So the blaster is Q correct? Maybe I'm stupid but when I hold it down a green bar fills up then nothing happens, is this why I can't get into the temple?


Also I think it would be helpful for other players if you told them you press f to heal in the early part of the game as I had no idea what button to press