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"Hi! I don't even have a name yet, but I'm already doing.. you know.. If you want to watch me, head over to this week's Sneak Peek! See you on the other side~"

Hi everyone, Null here!

Sorry for the very late roundup. I told Cookie I would take care of this one and then I forgot! So I will make it really quick:

Cookie has been working exclusively on the new scene and it is coming along well! You can check it out in the sneak peek! :3

My focus has been a bunch of bug-fixing refactoring work as well as making a hookshot ability, which I did today.

Once the flight instructor scene is done, we will release the new build which is going to add the hut insides as well as the lewd stuff.

The "Kincaid Fully Decked Out" prototype is almost finished, too! We will be sending it out as an Experimental Build to our $25+ Patrons in the next few days before merging it over into the main branch. :3

Until next time!




Obviously his name is Jett aces


[Reads devlog] ["Added: Item that replenishes your oxygen"] [Immediate Water Temple flashbacks overlaid with Sonic drowning warning] Also that last note is heartwarming, we believe in you too.

Icarus Media

Why did you have to make me remember that too!!! The big bubbles you used to have to catch to get more air...


He could be named after the three famous Wright brothers: Orville, Wilbur, and Phoenix


We talked a lot about how underwater is going to work in Kincaid! We want it to be more of a pressure/puzzle element and not a big enough part of the game that would warrant getting upgrades and stuff for it. So respawning oxygen items was a good fit! ^^


iim wondering while figuring out the mechanics of the swing; animations could develop into a more "lewd" swaying. similar to what you guys did with climbing ladders. Some swaying hot tail would be really immersive if you catch my drift


Definitely! For now null just reused the rolling animation as a placeholder until I make the actual animation^^