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Welcome to the first "Sneak Peek"! This is where you will find more (and uncensored) art and background infos that didn't make it into the public Weekly Roundup! Thank you so much for your support! ^w^

Kobold NPC Process

And last but not least, I made a little pick up animation for a nicer transition in the wolf act!

Kobold Village Hanging Bridge

Hello! Null here with some code stuff for those who are interested! :3c

Under the hood, the bridge is basically just a "half pipe" collider. There are no actual physics going on, other than the regular collision handling the rest of the game already uses. The difference is all in the way the bridge gets drawn.

As you can see, the collision shape dictates the running curve, and the actual segments are each drawn manually!

The next step was to make them actually react properly to Kincaid. Since I'm epic, I nailed it on the first try!

Well... not quite! xD Let's try that again.

That's way nicer! It looks like Kincaid is pulling down the bridge now. But it looks stiff. More like she is running on a rubber band than a wooden hanging bridge.

What it needs from here to look good is: (1) Non-linear easing to and fro her feet, (2) be in a hanging position from the get go and (3) some bounce when you jump off of it!

And that's the final result! Quite nice considering there are no actual physics going on and everything is fake! ;3c

For those interested, here is the main bit of code that makes the bridges work!



Zephy Foxy

I really like the female kobolds~ Those wiiiide hips <3 That language looks like something similar to C, but I can't tell if it's C++ or C#

Zephy Foxy

Ahhh yes, I keep forgetting they made their own language for GameMaker.


Female kobolds. ♥


Kobold NPC Process 2nd from last on the muscle set - death by snu snu!


That female kobolds is so damn cute. Can’t wait for the next update!


Thanks for showing what's going on under the hood, it's really cool how you can emulate pretty convincing physics using very basic formulas.


Glad there was that comment about the language being a custom game maker thing. Being a programmer myself I looked at the code, and I then proceed to take a good 3-5 mins trying to find out what type of language used C based syntax but has the logical AND operator as "and" rather than as "&&"


You can use both in GML, it has some weird quirks! What also works is using = instead of == in boolean checks. xD


Them bridge physics tho. Good job on simulating that through code instead of using a physics engine!