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While Null is playtesting and squashing bugs I decided to throw in another new animation for the game: Ladders.

Originally we wanted to use placeholder jump-thru platforms but since I finished the background art (including a whole new parallax background for the jungle!) ahead of schedule, I thought I'd just get started on this. It's a good excuse to draw some nicely shaped pixel butt! ^w^

Here's a close up for you to enjoy before her tail covers a part of it. ;3

We also received a fresh new batch of sound effects Null is currently putting into the game!

  • Final sound effects for the slime including the sex act
  • New music for illustrated game over scenes
  • New sound effects for hazards like the fireball traps, pushable blocks and acid pools
  • New Kincaid sounds for wall cling and slide and blaster, etc.
  • New Kobold PLAP! No more wood butt. x3





The Kobolds voices are bit to high pitched when their cumming, may want to consider changing the pitch or the sound all together.


When are we gonna see that one kobold that has the "trunk" on Kincaid's back?


the game and demo is good but I'm using computer for controls and the jumping is hard to make work correctly, I'm not trying to be a nit pick but can the jumping power be up more pleas? it is a good game though.

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

What about sounds for the Wolf mini-boss? Or are those already in the game and just not the public demo?


What a thrillllll...🎵