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Hi everyone!

I'm still knee deep into building out the new starting area. I have decided on a final map layout, blocked out all the rooms and connected them and now I'm doing a lot of playtesting and decorating the rooms I am happy with!

The old starting area was just a handful of rooms before you got to enter the jungle. The new area is much bigger and comparable to the temple itself, in size!

Nothing lewd going on just *yet*, sorry. ^w~ But we need a pretty environment for frame the pixel lovings and adventuring!

Next week's update should be more pretty and interesting again! Thank you for your patience~



Avery H. Mavery

It's ok, this stuff is just as important as lewds, just not as fun : )


Excited for the new expansion, keep up the good work!! <3


Will there be secret areas for us to find like in the first Zelda with the secret cave?


Yes! Be sure to check out the temple closely... There are already some hidden areas there ^w^


Awesome temple needs awesome hidden rooms with lots of awesome hidden sax content.~


Can't even wait to explore some more ♥


my jump finger is trembling! in excitement for the new content ( but the kobold threesome is the more hipped of all) ~(°v°~)


Ooh... New spike smell.