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Hi everyone! Welcome to the first weekly roundup of the year! ^w^

This week I continued fleshing out and overhauling background art for the jungle! The starting area before the temple is still kind of a placeholder.

It doesn't quite have the jungle-feel to it that we envisioned. We'd like to be able to add a few tighter and more claustrophobic areas, too, and play with switching between a thick jungle feel and more open areas and glades.

Another thing I want to improve on is the actual usability of the tilesets. GameMaker has a feature called auto-tile where you can basically pick a brush, say "Cave" and then paint cave, and the engine picks the right edges and corners for you. This will improve the speed in which we can create levels. Here is an early video of it in action:


So that's what I'm working on right now! I also want to make a lot more decorative elements so the jungle will be as pretty as the temple! ^w^




I'm loving the new outfit that Kincaid is wearing, will this be given by the chief of the village


do you use GameMaker Studio 2?


Naaaany???? Kincaid is going to learn hadouken?????