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With the wolf out of the door I moved my focus back to the jungle areas - and the kobolds!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the next game system we want to tackle is the dialogue system, and NPCs.

Deep within the jungle Kincaid is going to find a friendly kobold village!

So right now I am revamping and expanding on the jungle tileset quite a bit, as well as working on concepts for what that village might look like!

Here are some of the rough color and shape sketches I worked on!

And here is our little entrepreneur with his newly opened

Kobold Kissing Booth!

Let's wish him success with his business plan!




Those are looking really good, I'm excited for the next build to come out! That purple kobold looks interesting OwO

Mari Fox

*smooches the kobold*


I noticed Kincaid's outfit looks different, not sure if that's on purpose.. also purple kobold is pretty, also is that a winged kobold?

Avery H. Mavery

Yes, i'll take 20 orders of kisses please. I like all the new stuff we see so far.


The kobold at the kissing booth is so cute I wanna cry T,__,T


Ooooh nice, A kobold village Im looking forward to know how kincaid will interact with them X3


any chance of the wolf becoming a playable character? these kobold's booties are asking for some high quality meat....just saying