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Does this imply, that instead of having to be knocked down for fun times to happen, that the character herself might be able to initiate it? Seeing her get smoochy and huggy and close to a Kobold like that makes me curious.


This animation is going to replace the one that is currently playing when you get grabbed. But what you are thinking is also going to be part of the game.


Oh, is it a full replacement? Or will the old animation still be in the game just a different trigger?


Yeah, the kissing animation will be played until you either stop engaging or give into the passion which will then play the old animation ^-^


Hey guys! Phenomenal tech-demo so far - really promising! The only down-side is that the h-implementation is kind of gor-like. In my opinion it's better when there is some way to utilize h-stuff during gameplay without sacrificing your play through... However this sounds promising - and since art direction, animation and general feel are great I'm very optimistic :)


Thank you so much for your support and your kind words! ^w^ While we would like to keep the h-stuff as it is now, we will continue to tweak it as well as offer other options to engage in it. For example, enemies stay around after knocked out for that reason and there will be interactable NPCs in safe zones.


Sounds great! Also being able to knock enemies out and then having sex with them sounds like a really fun spin on the usual h-game setup ^^ I'm really looking forward to seeing your game grow. Definitely one of the most interesting projects right now :)


If I might throw in my wolf into the arena... (Throw in my two cents basically lol) You could incorporate dual animations. 1 where if you are knocked down it will play the old animation and the other if you knock the enemy down it will play the new animation. It gives some variety and allows you to put a sort of sub/dom switch element into the game. You could even have a currency system based around the H-scenes where when you participate you can get extra dough to spend on... cosmetics? Upgrades? COSMETICS?!?! lol I'm kidding.. only slightly but either way I don't normally play a lot of platformer games of this genre but i really like this one and really want to see it more developed. I would also really like to support you and give some donations, but Patreon doesn't accept my card anymore when they were rolling out some of their changes last year : / Either way, I hope good fortune to you on this project! :D