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in our against piracy and scams.

We are forced to send you maintain links to premium games (BclL project) in order to deter people who register and unsubscribe to get the game in pay.

The bonus games will be available via secure message links by patreon depending on your status.


the development of v.0.0.2 is complete.
which implies that the team is already starting the development of v.0.1.0.

very big changes are to be expected. An updated city map has already been made, the arrival of a new character for the shopping center, the school or the beach and to finish the appearance of new mini games (like the smoothie)


the creation of a new bonus game between two versions is of course also planned. (it will not be a fighting game 😋) but as its nature indicates it will be a short game with a lower realization (the developer works alone on the bonus games without illustrator in order to give him more time for premium games)


Thank you all for your support and help. good game.


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