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Hey guys! June have been very tough for me so far. I'm sorry for lack of activity! I had to move out of our apartment with my whole family because of COVID. I had to pack everything, transport, unpack, take care of family members. We still don't have a kitchen, all the nesessities. Still don't have a good internet connection and I'm mostly using my phone right now. That's why I haven't been able to send out rewards to new Patrons faster, because I usually have been sending them out pretty quickly before. That's why my latest animation was a little rushed, too. And I won't be able to get back to drawing for a few days more. I'm so sorry... I try, I do EVERYTHING In my power to solve my problems quicker, I'm sorry for waiting! ;_;



That's not good. I just wish this now enormous Coronamess ended tomorrow and everything returned to normal. Still, I understand if you have to delay new releases.


No worries you've provided more then enough content for us! <3


I'm glad you informed us on what's been going on with you, it does sound tough. Take your time and focus on whats important, your situation is well understood and I wish you the best of luck ❤


Get back on your feet first, that's more important. Stay safe and stay healthy, good luck to you and your family!


I've seen a lot of creators struggle with things recently, and you have to realize that YOU and YOUR family will always come first. I know I personally wouldnt care if you had to give yourself a bit to recuperate and all that, so please, take all the time you need. We love you!


I hope everything starts to turns around for you. Best wishes


Consider this a secondary priority. Focus on yourself and your physical/mental health. Do not kill yourself from overwork due to some arbitrary expectation of work. You hold no obligation here on quantity of pieces. Take your time. And ignore anyone who bitches about not having enough wank material. They can go learn to draw their own art if they can't wait.


Take care! your helth is the first!


The important thing is to stay safe!