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So if you've been paying attention to my twitter feed, shit's been going down something fierce lately, triggering a considerable change in how I manage my affairs.

Bundled with the necessity of updating the overall look of this page and it's buttons, it's been a trialing month, hence the lack of any substantial content as of this post.

I'm striving to change that up and get myself back up to speed, but things look, rather grim.

I want to keep going, and I will! but I've got other things weighting me down, which I have to consider greatly into the content I can even muster up to display here.

So should you decide to stick around and bear with me, know that I'm beyond grateful and flattered that you hold me in such regard; I will do my best to not let you nor myself down.

But if you'd rather take your leave until I can get back up to speed, just as well, and hope to see you back in due time :]

I'll continue having a direct line of contact with all of you via my streams and twitter, so you won't see me slouching!

Shit, I'm even doing speedpaint videos now, got over that pathological fear...now I must make more..!

Thank you for your time and God bless!

PS: See you on Monday~


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