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Gonna take a small break for a bit

may come back sooner than later but we'll see


Been kinda out of it the last few months, energy levels changing rapidly, hope I can get back on track soon to make some good ol content

Also i got a new tablet right around then, its been hard adjusting to it... some benefits to it also
cintiq 22hd, vs my 13hd


can see things much easier, sketching things out just happens smoothly

brighter, color and value is easier to comprehend 


art comes out a bit lopsided sometimes, due to weird angles I'm not used to

harder to animate, larger area, more time
awkward to work with my keyboard, been getting wrist cramps which never happened before

a lot to get used to....

As for art
i got some things in the pipeline
some funni purpl dragon

a beloved blue deer dude
more imps perhaps in the further future...

anyways that's all i wanted to tell you

have a good week!



Take your time to rest Dacad love your art but get the rest u need


Have a good break!


Take all the time you need, bud. Health before art.


Take care! Mental health is as important as physical!


Enjoy your break!


Whoa! However, you have great ideas in your mind)) Especially impressed by the purple dragon)


Regarding the tablet - I cannot disagree with you, it takes time to get used to it, but I have no doubt that you can handle it easily