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The post above is posted HERE on Substar

I apologize, but as of late I've been seeing artist get banned without notice or reason on Patreon and I would urge my followers to support me over on Substar instead.
Apologize if this is an issue, I will post it much later than usual.
If you are connected with discord, consider moving over also, I will try to connect their bot to discord as well.

This will be posted in a few days.

This is a precaution just in case.

Thank you.




Are the same tiers over there as well?


I'll make the move over soon.


just the 5 dollar tier their fees are too high for anything else

Rob Dane

Is that site safe?

Rhys Wilde

Dang I really like Patreon. But I primarily use it for you, Dacad, so I'll switch over if it's better for you.


If there was an app for substar I would but as of now I cannot afford to switch over but when I get the money I might


ah, yeah im waiting for an app as well, hopefully if more artist start moving there they'll start ramping up their production and stuff. It works fine as it is rn though.


understood. switching sides.

Frank Delgado

When will we see the post outside of Substar? I got charged for this month and can't switch to Substar rn

Atari Doge

I switched 🤘😔🤘

Blaze Water Sage

Does this mean that you'll no longer be posting here?


No I'll be posting here normally soon, just urging people to move just in case I get randomly banned as others artist have


Just a few days. I planned on posting this here Monday anyways so I posted it to Substar a bit early to encourage people to move a bit. Just in case I'm randomly banned like some other artist have been


Fuck in so sorry about that


Subscrivestar kinda weird but I'll see you there king!

Simon Tesla

Gonna move my subscription at the end of the month since I have most of my patreon subs starting at the beginning of the month