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Hi everyone. Thank you for your patience. I'm so sorry, this compiling is being such a pain. I've recently hired more help to assist me with animation but we're running into some compatibility errors for very essential parts >.< My program has crashed more times than I can count. 

I am doing my best to get it tonight, but midday tomorrow is a certainty or earlier. Thank you so much, so sorry again.  

Can't wait to start drafting out a new comic about my animation life, I am sure this will be a source of inspiration ^^; Also currently leaning towards Asuka from Evangelion for our first Monthly Wildcard! Stay tuned I hope^^


Tom Titov

We understand as these become even more elaborate and wonderfully complex there are going to be issues and delays. Please do not stress out. Even if it takes a few more days we will understand. I look forward to this animation more than most but absence, or in this case delay, makes the heart grow fonder:)

Tom Titov

I would also recommend keeping a separate file that is not being manipulated in case corruption occurs.


You're doing great! We're here to support you in all you do


The new comic is just panels of Lusty smashing a PC to pieces (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Hang in there!

Lusty (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 18:17:19 I'm feeling that right now! XD I'm worried this might inspire some content that is too dark for patreon &gt;:c lol Thanks for your patience ^^; I really hate postponing and postponing.
2022-01-06 02:10:59 I'm feeling that right now! XD I'm worried this might inspire some content that is too dark for patreon >:c lol Thanks for your patience ^^; I really hate postponing and postponing.

I'm feeling that right now! XD I'm worried this might inspire some content that is too dark for patreon >:c lol Thanks for your patience ^^; I really hate postponing and postponing.

Alan Slykes

We know you do, but you've never failed to make it worth it. You put so much work into it, there are bound to be moments where technology fails you; don't let it beat you up. You've never given us a reason not to trust you!


Thank you for the support everyone. It means a lot. I am my own harshest critic sometimes, even when it's circumstances out of my control. we WILL prevail though! The parts have been compiled, however the energy to record and touch everything up is not in me right now. Quite a day. Tomorrow I bet my skin on it. Grateful once again.


&lt;3 So kind of you to say. I really appreciate it, thank you. Been busting my head against this compilation all day.

Tom Titov

We greatly appreciate your efforts and realized this issue is technical in nature. I know you are working tirelessly to resolve this issue and even if it takes a few more days we understand. As it was said before you’ve always come through and have deservedly earned our trust through your amazing work through these years:)