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Getting into the spirit of Panty and Stocking (As you might be able to tell...) But before that, I had a quick question for you all! How would you feel about the possibility of one giant animation for a month instead of two normal length ones? 

Rewards would be the most complicated part. To factor that in we would have the 10+25 tier have special voting power over what happens and possibly gain access to a few bonus features in the animation. I wouldn't want there to be too many left out features for the general tier however, and I think they would also have voting power in certain ways. 

Regardless of how the polls turn out, I take what  you guys think into account, especially higher tiers who will be effected the most. 

But with a bigger animation means the inclusion of more stuff and deeper exploration into what makes pregnancy so wonderful~ 



First off, love the new icon. :D As a suggestion, we could have a massive poll for Waifu types for everyone to vote on. The 10+25 tier patreons could then suggest and vote on a specific Waifu based on the top 3 voted types?


Why not experiment?


You'd have to be careful with that poll though, because you can only fit 25 names in it per poll :o


The results seem too close. We may have to go to a second round of voting. ;)


I'm sure 25 will be enough for a wide variety of waifu types. :D

Dark Desires

It's certainly worth a shot. And at least with the extra bit of wiggle through the month, maybe things like the sketches could return. Just a thought of course, but that could be one way to help satisfy the more hungry patrons looking for some kind of preggo fix, heheheh. In any case, let's see how this plays out, sounds fun. ^_^

Tom Titov

I like your new avatar Lusty:)


As long as i can still watch it im fine(phone user)


Your animations would make a great game <3


I really like the current 2-a-month deal, but if 1 large animation is something that would make your life easier and take a chunk of stress out of your Patreon work, I can dig it. In the end I’ll enjoy it no matter what! I know I’m on the minority side if this, but I would prefer for it to not be a monthly thing if it is implemented, maybe every other month?


I only meant to try it out for the month of April and see if we like it! I was planning on going back to the 2 afterward ^_^ If we liked it, trying again in the future could be a possibility, or who knows.


No i can only watch thru your stash

Alan Slykes

I honestly thought to myself about this with your work loads and projects. You have a real knack for adding flourishes, exceeding expectations and offering more with each new animation, but the twice a month animation always felt limiting to you. Having opportunities to choose or decide on a full month of focus instead of two week deadlines will really let you play with things, and hopefully not cause you to burn out. I'm glad to see you considering it! You work hard, and I feel that alternating between months will truly let you catch your breath and try new stuff :)


It's a definite possibility! One giant animation would technically be less work because I don't have to start from scratch or feel like I am rushing to the next. Like you mentioned, I love the details, so it could be my calling! Anyway, we'll try it out and see how it goes! Thank you for the input!!


I'll have to make sure I add an Mp4 to all the stash versions as well. PM me if you have any problems!