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Working! Rigs are the most complicated part so it can be twice as complicated at certain points ^_^; Still hoping to release by the 30th!  Although there is a chance it will be a day late. Either way I will message it out for Patrons this month!

Valentia Jinx (Raven, Gloria) Makes her return as Nessa! Excited to duet with her. Get ready for some belly battle action! 


P.S Samus and Uzaki chan are very close right now! You can still make a difference for who you want to see for Spooktober's theme Evil is Born! ^^




Who are you rooting for? My money on my girl Nessa! XD


I’m a redhead gal myself, so I’d have to go for the cutie patootie Sonia!


No matter the outcome of their battle, everyone wins. 😍😍😍

Tom Titov

It is the battle of the innin versus outie

Tom Titov

I’m very much looking forward to this:)


Sorry I just looked at everything I had left. It is better that I really finish this piece strong and upload it early tomorrow. Thank you for waiting.