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  • Lusamine Overdue Boss!.mp4



Okay so it looks like I am a bit overdue as well! ^_^; I tried my best to get it in before 12 o'clock, but when I realized I wasn't going to make it, I added an extra goody or two! Whew! Thank you for waiting!

Dropbox Link:



Be sure to click around on the belly angle shot for some nice secrets! I had fun on this one ^^ Thank you again to everyone for your feedback as well, it occurred mid way through production on this but I did keep one or two things in mind!

Featuring the voice of JusttheQueenie! She really hit it out of the part this time! Can't wait for our Preg-Battle duet together this September~

I don't want to spoil too much but scroll down for the secret locations!

Thank you all for another amazing month! I hope you're all staying safe! Starfire looks like the winner but I look forward to tallying the votes for Preg-Battle in a day or so! Another exciting month on its way!

Also a very special shoutout to my friend Dimpixel who is the king of overdue bosses, definitely served as some inspiration!

You can interact wit Lusamine's belly button breasts and each individual nipple will have an animation when pressed!

Also use the scissors on the table to help open Lusamine's pants to help her birth! Enjoy!



Alan Slykes

Absolute brilliance, once of your best yet <3

Dark Desires

Another fantastic work, as always. Fun how it even fits in a canon sort of way ;D


Thank yooooou! <3 I felt like I hit on something special here although I am not sure what yet XD


I feel like Queenie really brought what Lusamine would sound like to life! <3 But she's going down for the Preg-Battle next month! >: ) Hehe

Dark Desires

Hope Panty & Stocking can win, but if not then hopefully another battle theme will come around, haha


Great work! This one definitely ticks a lot of boxes for me Hooray for tsundere bosses! :3

Tom Titov

Wonderful work. It makes me wonder if misscheduling the appointments was intentional;)


Wew, that big kick interrupting her at the beginning tho. Great work on this one, Lusty!


Super nice work, awseome animation and interaction again :D Need more rubbing games like this one!


Thank you Marrazan! I think this is a direction I want to go in more, there are so many possibilities with some of the coding I've been trying to implement. I am looking forward to it! ^_^


This implies that shes actually TRIED to push out an Ultrabeast prior


I can't imagine why someone would do such a thing like sabotaging a pregos appointments >.< Hehe


Sexy moans and panting, close-up of the massive detailed belly, ripples and kicks of movement, and fantastic dialogue. A++ This bumps it way up to a close number 2 spot behind Mina. XD

Ross GrimmRose

Nice old Pokemon colosseum music choose

Tom Titov

Thank you for taking our input I can see you really take into consideration our ideas:)

CDCA Scientist

Her lecture being interrupted by a jolt from her noisily squirming belly is amazing, absolutely love it.