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Friend and collaborator Dark Desires commissioned a very sweet piece of art for us all to enjoy! Commission taken on by Loppinni, a very cool artist that does prego works as well! Find them here:  https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=18379694 

Loved all the details, I was so elated to see it yesterday! <3 So grateful! Thank you Dark!!

Can you name all the eggs? The ones I am most certain about are Elekid and Sentret/Eevee ^_^;

Gahh I love looking at this piece! Hehe What I do best I suppose...



Dark Desires

I think the rightmost egg is the secret Mickey one from the Larxene animation. Funny, I don't recall suggesting that, just Digimon and Pokemon eggs. Guess the artist is a fan of your stuff. ;-)


Thanks, Dark Desires &amp; Lusty! ♥

Tom Titov

I also want to thank Dark Desires, Loppinni and Lusty! This is a very well done peace.

Tom Titov

If you are from the states I wish you a happy Thanksgiving. Your animations are something I’m grateful for. Twice a week we get to look forward to animations that are tailored to our very specific attraction. That makes me and I’m sure many others here feel less alone for it is an attraction we do not get to share with very many others. If the animation doesn’t arrive on turkey day I understand and I hope you get to spend time with friends and family. Let’s give a virtual toast to lusty. Your hard work has provided happiness to so many of us for over a year now. A year we are all very grateful for:)


Thank you ^_^; I am still waiting on some lip sync help so looks like it will be arriving a bit later, like tomorrow or early on the 30th. Awe I really appreciate the sweet comments, they really keep me motivated. The fact that a good amount of people look forward to my animations is still very surreal to me haha. I just hope to keep hitting that standard as well as try new things ;) Happy Thanksgiving!