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Work in progress! The game is obviously bigger than a normal quicky but I am hoping to have it around the 20th or so! In the mean time here is a little samp!

In other news, I am not sure if it has been d.a censoring our stashes, or them reformatting something with their swf since  other people that upload swf are facing the same problem.

Either way I have found a back up I think but that will take some time to migrate my  entire library there, and I'd rather focus on this months rewards. Updates soon!

All content is still available! Also if anyone is having trouble downloading, (Which shouldn't be the case) let me know! All content should be available via that.




Holy **** I’m so ready for this 😍


Hoping tomorrow's the release date.


It is cutting it close to be honest, the coding is causing me real problems right now. I'd say Sunday or Monday at this point, since I want to make sure I fixed the bugs. You wanna test for me?


Since you helped with Sunset I thought it might work, will message when the time comes


Whether it gets delayed or not, it'll definitely be worth the wait!

Moira Onate

this is very cool.

Lusty (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:23:59 Thanks! <3
2020-03-28 03:55:41 Thanks! <3

Thanks! <3