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Our raffle winner Pacificside18 has chosen Sunset Shimmer as their character for this month! They've chosen to upgrade the animation as well, making it in the spirit of the Gardevoir game, featuring interactive dialog and rewards! 

Lastly, recently I uploaded Zelda Birth of the Wild to D.A  and unfortunately got removed as you can see here: https://sta.sh/01wzbp4lu7hd so I'm currently finding alternate places to upload for public release, since I don't really spread out much beyond here and D.A. In the future, I think that works that large will most likely stay on Patreon, but I thought this Zelda one would be a fun one to release for everyone to experience. It's on my pixiv and you can check it out there.

Anyway stuff is in the works this month for September, so stay tuned^^




D.A. is weird about it's policies, happened to me too. Some stuff that's obviously explicit have stayed up for years while others that are just a girl in a bikini can get flagged for deletion. It's pretty crummy. Think it might be a mix of that and people reporting you out of spite or jealousy, since I can't image DA admins scrounging around the naughty areas of the site just to ban a couple images. That's my headcanon anyway, community is pretty brutal.


I first found out about you on furaffinity with your May artwork. I don't really like furry stuff myself, but it's the next best place for spicy content with a sizeable community. You can try posting there too, and if you still want to stick with D.A. you can try only posting censored images or flashes with a link in the description to an outside source. Might still get flagged, but that's all we got here in the western side of the internet.


IMO of course, the best option is Pixiv, but that's mostly in japanese with a japanese speaking audience. It has the least restrictions and the most helpful tools to show your artwork the way you want it, but a lot of english-speakers don't want to bother making a pixiv account and japanese people don't really use patreon (they use something else, forgot the name).


It's a tough crowd and environment with weird niche and street rules, but it's the best we have for now. There's other smaller sites like hentai-foundry and some I probably haven't even have heard of but their community's are a fraction to the above 3. :\ (edit: oh there's also tumblr and twitter. I haven't really figured out the tips and tricks with those two, but I'd be willing to reblog your stuff and get it out to the community there.)


Yeah, the rules do seem really arbitrary, like I'll see way lewder stuff with the same characters that won't get deleted, but I can't upload so much as a Pokegirl without getting flagged the next day. That's interesting, I've wondered about people flagging things spitefully, but it is odd how fast it will happen :o. I've always been sketched out about uploading on ffa, since it is mostly a furry site, I wouldn't want to piss them off because I do mainly human, but it sounds like there is a decent base there. I've taken your advice and just included a stash link in the description of Pixiv uploads. Thanks ^_^

Dark Desires

One of the nice things about pixiv is that you can give some followers there special privilege through the "My pixiv" option which lets them see works that are otherwise inaccessible to people. While it could be tough to identify all of your patrons there (and of course not get duped by someone saying "Oh hey, I'm x", that could be one way to let people access the links if you know they're patrons here. Either way, shame that DA is so goofy about what it allows most of the time, lol


Tumblr is pretty racy friendly 👍


I'm looking into it and I think you're right. Honestly it is my next step ^^