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Thank you for your continued support, this is NumericGazer.
The main results of this month are as follow

What I did this month

・Tentatively assembled the combat system

・Background Concepts

・currently recruiting 3D animators

Tentative assembly of combat system

We incorporated the animations and models we had created and proceeded to create the combat system while checking the feel of the combat.

Combat start scene

Combat Scene

The camera on the command selection screen now moves automatically, the flow of the battle is smoother, and other minor improvements have been made

It is basically the same as the previous combat, but this time I am thinking of adding some new systems to make the system more tolerant of combat with about 10 witches. The two I'm thinking of now are as follows.

Ability Tree

Each weapon type has its own tree, which grows as you use more weapons of the same family.

The tree also includes abilities that are not dependent on the weapon, so that if you want to use a different weapon in the middle of the tree, you will not lose everything

This is tentative and we are still thinking about things


It stands for Short Tactical Action command, which is a normal attack.

We found that just pressing the buttons at the right time was quite interesting in the previous Just Attack and Just Guard, so we plan to expand on this system.

What makes it different from a normal attack is that it is switchable, and the more you use it, the more it grow

A well-timed input will trigger the next attack, and you will gain TP to use your skills

Failure to do so will break the combo.

Currently, I get pissed off when I fail, but I feel good when I succeed. We are also considering a mechanism to reduce the feeling of being pissed off.

As for weapon types, we are planning to implement only swords first and add other weapons when we have more time



Concept Art:the Witch of Darkness Rosa's room

It is a nice room that matches the atmosphere of Rosa!

Schedule for next month

We continue to work on the combat system.

It has been about a year since we started full-scale development after the completion of the previous work.

It is gradually taking shape, but there is still a long way to go

Currently recruiting 3D animators

We are currently looking for 3D animators for "UnderTheWitch:Gothic"! We are always looking for more due to the large amount of animations that need to be created

Job Description

The work includes the following two tasks

1. Erotic scene production

You are required to create erotic scenes according to the layout we provide

2.Combat motion production (non-erotic)

We will ask you to create skill motions, etc. according to the layout we provide

Please contact us if you are 3D animators who can handle either one or the other

Tools used

Employment Type
Full time, part time, outsourced, any form is acceptable.
Basically, it is all remote work.

We have several people who are currently participating as side jobs, and we welcome those who want to do a bit of work in between their main jobs.

Advance payment is possible for outsourcing

Contact Information

Email: grimask4496@gmail.com
Twitter DM: https://twitter.com/NumericGazer
Discord: numericgazer

In your message, please describe your work and background, as well as your preferred employment status

We generally reply within 24 hours, but if you do not receive a reply within 24 hours, we may have missed your message




How did you add mp and tp is it avaliable for old version


Is there going to be 10 or 11 witches?On concept art and pixel art you have 11 of them.


The boob jiggle is strong in that one. Awesome work as always!


really want to help but have no skills on 3D animation. Are there others jobs ? Lol


woaahh!! combat is wicked!


when it wil be finished?




Oct is when it updates


可以 I love it ,Maybe it can go faster

鈺傑 黃

So nice! Wonderful job!


This is awsome!!! Good excellent work as always!


In the previous parts, you could move the camera with the mouse. The fixed point was the viewer. It would be absolutely outstanding if the fixed point was the witch, so that you could fly around the entire scene with the mouse.