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EPISODE2ProgressThank you for your continued support. I am NumericGazer

About Under the Witch Beginnings
I launched Under the Witch: Beginnings on various sites this month. I apologize for any confusion. Now EPISODE 0 and EPISODE 1 have been settled. The next release will be on Nutaku, but I am leaving that one completely up to the publishers

About Episode2
I'll stop thinking about Beginning until this month, and next month I'll start making EPISODE 2 with a fresh start

In July, I plan to organize the plans and stories to complete the overall picture
I will start making maps, etc. in August

My personal wish is to be able to release the first alpha version by the end of this year, in which you can see a couple of erotic scenes, but I don't really know

By the way, it will probably take about 3 years with a target of 2 years to complete

But I am well funded, so I may outsource animation, backgrounds, etc., or hire someone to do it, but how much can that shorten the production time?

This is my personal theme for EPISODE 2

EPISODE2 Progress


The Xen model is almost complete; all that remains is to put the bone in and move it

Madame Bernadead
Modeling in progress

This is Bernadette, one of the mean aunts in EPISODE 2

About future updates
I will continue to develop and update the support site in the same manner. As with the alpha version of BEGINNING, I plan to update Alpha ver of EPISODE2 once it is ready.
However, the alpha version of EPISODE 2 will not be available for a while yet
But progress will be posted monthly

Also, please understand that there is nothing I can do about the uncensored version as it is prohibited by Japanese law. I know it is ridiculous, but I have no choice but to continue to create. I am sorry

But,I will be distributing patches at various locations everytime.Please find them
I don't want to talk too much about that in public. But I will certainly answer your expectations finally

Thank you for your support!




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omg,it will be the best