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*sibling death match 2019*


Oh joy..... I have actually been the brother part in this situation. This will go so well.... XD


I love Janie's expression in that last panel so darn much. XD

Zorin the Lynx

She needs to realize that having your boyfriend get along with your dad and brother are a really awesome thing.

John Van Stry

I sense a life changing mistake in the making.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

It certainly is a very IMPORTANT thing. I'm really glad I can like my son-in-law, and it is one of my personal regrets that I never had any respect from my ex's Dad or her brothers.


Whoop, is that Charlie? Still cute!


Janie's expressions have been priceless these last few pages. I can see how having her boyfriend get along with her family members so well detracts from their relationship in some way, but it would be much worse to have them get along poorly.


Interestingly enough, gmail thinks this page was posted in Hungarian...