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Dazzi getting a good taste of that musky Katress ass~

Asscrack versions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98629424

Spread Ass Versions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98629425






Justin Daniels

You are seriously talented, but I gotta be honest. The fact that everything is sweaty and stinky really turns me off. I know I'm just one guy, so losing my money isn't going to be a huge deal to you, but if there were at least a couple clean versions, I'd totally stay a member.


The sweaty and stinky is the best part.

Justin Daniels

You're welcome to think that, but my wife and I work in a hot ass factory, so I know what sweaty and stinky is like, and, to me, it's basically fetishizing swamp ass. No thanks. I like clean ladies.


My wife and I intentionally get sweaty and stinky for each other. You are correct. That is the fetish, and that fetish is why I like Whisperfoot, have followed them since their artist name was YeenMUSK, emphasis on the musk, and pay for the highest possible tier so I can see the musky sets. Just reduce the tier you’re on? Don’t try and be the main character of an artist’s work, and the entire appeal of it for many people.


This is like purchasing a bottle of water from the store and complaining that there’s water inside the bottle.

Justin Daniels

Wow. Ok. He didn't always do ONLY musky pics, which is my I followed him. For the past while it's been ONLY musky, so reducing a tier, fixes nothing. The SAMI pics he recent posted were the first collection to have non musk alts for a while. So I merely suggested that adding a few clean alts, would keep me giving him money. He's well within his rights to tell me no, but he didn't, he says it's totally understandable. I don't want to "Main character" over his art I merely suggested that his current single fetish direction, isn't why I followed him. Is he agrees, I keep donating, if not, I wish him well, and take my money elsewhere.

Justin Daniels

When you're paying someone money for something, but then they don't do them thing you were paying them for anymore, it's perfectly reasonable to make a suggestion, or take your money elsewhere, which I don't have to do, because he's started doing clean alts again. Easy. I WANT to give him my money.


Buddy, I have a copy of Whisper’s entire portfolio saved on my computer. I’ve been following Whisper for almost five years. I have all the Whisperclassics and YeenMusk art. I have every single set off Gumroad. Whisper doesn’t only do musky pics, correct, but that is their main focus in a vast majority of their art. There’s also gape, watersports, and some really sweet stuff like deep rimming. Nothing Whisper has ever drawn has been a miss for me. Maybe you should try and use Patreon as it is intended? This is a crowdfunding platform for a creator to do what *they* want off of donations from people who support what the *creator* wants to do. It’s not a marketplace. You donate what you think a creator should get based on how much you like their work. You don’t pay them to service your needs. I donate what I donate because I want to enable exactly that. Whisper to have the income to simply be an artist with no one to boss them around lol. I am simply a huge fan, and not their keeper. Telling some random person that it’s understandable is exactly what I would do too if I was making over $7K a month in *voluntary support* for my art and someone tried to tell me what to do over $10-15. Something simple and polite for public optics. Then, I would continue drawing whatever the heck I want to, likely lots of musky art because that has clearly been highly successful and gets a lot of positive support from the fans. Commissions closed a long time ago. If you don’t wanna be a donator, there will always be public releases on e621 and the like, completely for free. If all you care about is seeing art you wanna see and not donating to a crowdfund for sheer fan reasons, this probably isn’t the a wise use of your dollars. Booru sites such as e621 have blocklists and all that jazz to avoid seeing something you don’t wanna see. At the end of the day, no one cares what you do with your money, other than you. I just think you’re a touch lost on how Patreon works and are very clearly not very familiar with Whisperfoot’s portfolio. There are plenty of artists out there who have open commissions or host polls for their art and actively ask for feedback. Meanwhile, here, you donate out of a desire to support their work, whatever it may be, and then as a bonus you get access to exclusive sets for paying more.


Guys please chill. I don't mind doing some non-musky alts, it's no issue and can help me fill up a tier occasionally. But yes, I very much enjoy making the musky and sweaty stuff, even if I aim to keep it fairly tame here. ^^


[Italian Mobster] Ayy youse got it boss. Das it then. Whispa draws wat dey wanna draw.

Justin Daniels

You do what makes you happy good sir. The fact that you are willing to do non-musky makes me very grateful, but if you had said no, there wouldn't have been any hard feelings from me.